The main task of this service is to provide the ability to conveniently and quickly search for appropriate examples of documentation on designing machine learning systems (ML System Design Doc) among hundreds of available options. This will allow users to find relevant examples that best match the specifics and requirements of their projects.
- src - source codes of the service
- data - data folder
- data/raw - source data (raw)
- data/processed - data after processing steps
- .env.example - example .env file
- .pre-commit-config.yaml - pre-commit config file
- tests - project tests
- .github/workflows - CI/CD Pipelines
Create a .env file based on the example .env.example if there any credentials.
Launch using docker-compose:
docker compose up -d --build
Recommended OS for development: Linux, macOS, WSL v2
python 3.11.*
. Recommended version:3.11.7
Recommended installation method: pyenv
Install pyenv using the official instructions
python 3.11.7
and set the local version in the project root
pyenv install 3.11.7 pyenv local 3.11.7
- A
file should appear in the project folder, indicating the python version in use
Install using the official installer
sudo apt install python3.11-dev
Install poetry
Linux, macOS, Windows (WSL)
curl -sSL | python3 -
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
Ensure that poetry installs virtual environments within the project
poetry config true
Install dependencies
poetry install
Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell
The project uses the linter and formatter ruff. It is written in Rust, making it very fast.
Ruff should be automatically installed from dev
dependencies when you install the project's dependencies.
To lint your code, use the command
ruff check <path>
ruff check . # to check the entire directory
To automatically fix some errors, use the command
ruff check . --fix
For automatic code formatting, use
ruff format .
Before committing code, you must install pre-commits using the command
pre-commit install
Now, certain checks described in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file will run on any commit.
You can also run pre-commits without making a commit using
pre-commit run # runs pre-commits on all staged files (i.e., after git add)
pre-commit run --all-files # runs pre-commits on all files