A light-weight tool to parse Windows event-logs to XML and send them to ELK
- xmltodict
- elasticsearch
Tested OS:
- Windows 10
- Ubuntu 18.04
Tested Python Version:
- Python 3.7.2
What You Can Do With Excavator:
- You can convert any or all evtx files in a path to XML -m xml
- You can send event-logs from any or all files in a given path to ELK -m send
- You can achieve both of the above tasks in a single run -m auto
- If you do not want to send the logs to ELK but only convert them to JSON instead, you can display the JSON output on your terminal -m json
How Exacavtor Works:
- Uses windows' own utility wevtutil to parse the event-logs to XML
- Requires xmltodict for converting the logs form XML to JSON
- Requires elasticsearch to push the event-logs to your ELK
- Windows platform is a must for converting logs to xml we use windows' own utility for that
NOTE: Excavator saves the XML files in the same directory after converting them from EVTX
Excavator.py [-h] [-m <action>] [-p <path>] [-ip <ip>] [-port <port>]
[-f <file>] [-i <index>] [-user <user>] [-pwd <pass>]
[-s <size>] [-scheme <size>]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m <action> xml, send, dont_send, auto
-p <path> path to Evtx files
-ip <ip> elasticsearch IP
-port <port> elasticsearch port
-f <file> evtx file to process. Only use for single file
-i <index> name of ELK index
-user <user> username of ELK for authorization
-pwd <pass> password of ELK for authorization
-s <size> size of queue
-scheme <size> http or https
- Convert all evtx files in a directory to XML
python Excavator.py -m xml -p <path_of_directory>
- Convert a single file in a directory to XML
python Excavator.py -m xml -p <path_to_directory> -f <filename.evtx>
- Display all event-logs from all XML files in a directory as JSON
python Excavator.py -m json -p <path_to_directory>
- Send 1000 logs at a time into ELK from a single XML file generated from its corresponding evtx file
python Excavator.py -m send -p <path_to_directory> -f <filename.evtx> -ip <elasticsearch_IP> -port <elasticsearch_port> -user <elasticsearch_user> -pwd <elasticsearch_password> -s 1000
- Send 100 logs at a time into ELK from a single EVTX file
python Excavator.py -m auto -p <path_to_directory> -f <filename.evtx> -ip <elasticsearch_IP> -port <elasticsearch_port> -user <elasticsearch_user> -pwd <elasticsearch_password>