diff --git a/matlab/matlab-quiz.md b/matlab/matlab-quiz.md index 5f5976421b..686e4005cb 100755 --- a/matlab/matlab-quiz.md +++ b/matlab/matlab-quiz.md @@ -895,3 +895,10 @@ a = - [ ] [Reference](https://mathworks.com/company/newsletters/articles/matrix-indexing-in-matlab.html) + +#### Q56. You've just plotted some data and want to change the color behind the lines you've plotted to black. Which code block will accomplish this? + +- [ ] `h_f = figure; set(h_f,'Color', [0 0 0]);` +- [x] `h_a = gca; set(h_a,'Color', [0 0 0]);` +- [ ] `h_a = axes; set(h_a,'Color', [0 0 0]);` +- [ ] `h_f = gcf; set(h_a,'Color', [0 0 0]);`