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Folders and files

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  1. Install Docker for Mac, or Docker for Windows

Getting Started - Development

  1. Run:
cd worker
npm install
docker-compose build --no-cache --build-arg NPM_TOKEN=${NPM_TOKEN}
docker-compose up -d

When docker is done building, the http:// API will be available at http://localhost:8080.

Getting Started - Docker Image

There is also a docker image of worker. It can be pulled from GitHub:

docker pull<version>

You will need a GitHub token with package read permission so that you can log in to to pull the image. The instructions on how to make one of these are here.

Once available, you can run the docker image with the following command

docker run -p 8080:80<version>


To test locally:

docker-compose up -d
npm test

To build and test without docker-compose:

docker build --build-arg NPM_TOKEN=${NPM_TOKEN} .  (note the image id)
docker run -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/output:/app/output -v $PWD/circuits:/app/circuits <image id>
npm test

To test using the published Docker image:

docker run -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/output:/app/output -v $PWD/circuits:/app/circuits<version>


Run the following instruction to ensure that the service is up:

docker-compose up -d

This should spin up a container called api. api contains RESTful endpoints for interacting with the service.

The api service is a RESTful service that makes use of the @eyblockchain/zokrates-zexe.js package, and has the following endpoints.

To be able to leverage the service, mount the .zok file(s) to /app/circuits/path/to/file.zok or load them via the load-circuits endpoint (see below). If using the load-circuits enpoint, you can also use a .tar archive of .zok files to quickly load several files.

This service lists on container port 80 and can be exposed via a port set in the docker-compose.yml (http://localhost:8080 in all the example commands which follow).


This is a post instruction that takes a .zok or a .tar archive of .zok files and uploads it/them. It/they will be stored in ./circuits/.

If a tar file was used, the unpacked files will be in a subdirectory,named after the tar file, with the .tar extension removed.

Request body:

form-data: key = circuits, value = <file to upload>


This is a POST instruction that runs compile, setup and exportVerifier instructions.

Request body:

  • filepath: the path of the .zok file (relative to /app/circuits/). E.g. for a file at /app/circuits/path/to/test.zok the filepath is path/to/test.zok.
  • curve: specify one of: [bn128, bls12_381]
  • provingScheme: specify one of: [g16, gm17, pghr13].
  • backend: specify one of: libsnark, bellman.

Note, Nightfall currently uses [ bn128, libsnark, gm17]


curl -d '{"filepath": "path/to/test.zok", "curve": "bn128", "provingScheme": "gm17", "backend": "libsnark"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/generate-keys

Alternatively, the POSTMAN application can be used to run these curl requests. E.g. with body:

  "filepath": "path/to/test.zok",
  "curve": "bn128",
  "provingScheme": "gm17",
  "backend": "libsnark"

Note: All the resultant files from this step are stored in a new sub-directory of the output directory, called ${circuitName} (where, for example, if the circuitName is test, the output files are stored in a dir app/output/test/).


This is a POST instruction that runs compute-witness and generate-proof instructions.

Request body:

  • folderpath: the path of the circuit folder (relative to /app/outputs/). E.g. for a folder at /app/outputs/path/to/test the folderpath is path/to/test. The folder contains the keys related to the circuit
  • inputs: array of the arguments for the witness computation.

The /app/circuits/output dir has the outputs of these steps copied from within the container. When the generate-proof instruction is run, the corresponding proof.json is stored in the /app/circuits/output dir.


curl -d '{"folderpath": "path/to/test", "inputs": [6, 3, 2]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/generate-proof

Alternatively, the POSTMAN application can be used to run these curl requests. E.g. with body:

  "folderpath": "path/to/test",
  "inputs": [6, 32, 2],
  "provingScheme": "gm17",
  "backend": "libsnark"

Note: All of the resultant files from this step are stored in the same sub-directory of the output directory, called path/to/test (where, for example, if the folderpath is test/circuit, the output files are stored in a dir app/output/test/circuit).


This is a GET request, to retrieve a vk from disk. (Note: a trusted setup will have to have taken place for the vk to exist).

query parameters:

  • folderpath: the path of the circuit folder (relative to /app/outputs/). E.g. for a folder at /app/outputs/path/to/test the folderpath is path/to/test. The folder contains the keys related to the circuit


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/vk?folderpath=test

Alternatively, the POSTMAN application can be used to run these curl requests. E.g. with params:

key: "folderpath", value: "test"


This is a POST request to verify a proof offchain. It does not require any trusted setup because all of the data that zokrates-worker needs is contained within the POST. The inputs are somewhat lengthy however so testing with curl or Postman is awkward. However, the JSON inputs are as follows:

  "vk": // the verifying key JSON in the same format as the ZoKrates file
  "proof": // the proof JSON in the same format as the ZoKrates proof file
  "provingScheme": // "gm17", "g16" etc, as ZoKrates command line,
  "backend": // "ark", "libsnark" etc, as ZoKrates command line,
  "curve": // "bn128", "bls12_377" etc, as ZoKrates command line,
  "inputs": // if the proof does not have an 'inputs' property, it can be added here

Zokrates - writing & testing .zok circuit files

a) mounting to zokrates in the terminal (recommended)

To test a particular .zok file manually in the terminal:

(You might need to do docker pull<version> if you haven't already).

cd path/to/parent-dir-of-zok-file/

docker run -v $PWD:/home/zokrates/code -ti<version> /bin/bash (mounting to /code ensures the outputs from zokrates don't overwrite / mix with our local machine's files).

./zokrates compile -c bn128 -i code/<circuitName>.zok

./zokrates setup -b libsnark -proving-scheme gm17

./zokrates compute-witness -a <inputs>

./zokrates generate-proof -b libsnark -proving-scheme gm17