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Bradley Erickson edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 1 revision

This documentation provides an overview of the linting configurations and tools used in the project. Linting is an essential step in the development process, helping to ensure code consistency and quality by detecting potential errors and enforcing stylistic conventions.

Linting the code


To lint any Python code, run:

pycodestyle --ignore=E501,W503 $(git ls-files 'learning_observer/*.py' 'modules/*.py')

CSS and JS

In the package.json file, we define several npm scripts to run the linting tasks:

  • npm run lint:css: Runs stylelint on all CSS and SCSS files.
  • npm run lint:js: Runs eslint on all JavaScript files.
  • npm run lint: Runs both lint:css and lint:js.
  • npm run find-unused-css: Runs the custom script to find unused CSS.

GitHub Action

We use a GitHub Action to handle the linting process for our codebase. This action is triggered on every push to the repository. It consists of two jobs: lint-python and lint-node.

Linting Python Code

The lint-python job is responsible for linting Python code in the project. It uses pycodestyle to check for style issues in the Python code. The configuration for this job is as follows:

  • Runs on the latest version of Ubuntu with Python versions 3.9 and 3.10.
  • Runs pycodestyle to analyze Python files, ignoring specific error codes
    • E501: Line too long
    • W503: line break before binary operator (not enforced by PEP8)

Linting CSS and JavaScript Code

The lint-node job is responsible for linting CSS and JavaScript code in the project. It uses stylelint for CSS and eslint for JavaScript. The configuration for this job is as follows:

  • Runs on the latest version of Ubuntu with Node version 16.x.
  • Finds unused CSS using a custom script (list-unused-css.js).
  • Lints CSS and JavaScript code using the configured stylelint and eslint.

These commands ignore the following globs:

  • **/node_modules/**
  • **/deps/**
  • **/build/**
  • **/3rd_party/**
  • extension/

These paths are auto-generated or auto-downloaded by various steps in the build process. Additionally, we ignore extension until we update it to have a better build process.

Stylelint Configuration

We use stylelint to lint our CSS code, with the following configuration:

  • Ignores specific directories (listed above).
  • Extends the stylelint-config-standard configuration.
  • Uses the postcss-scss custom syntax for SCSS.
  • Enables the stylelint-scss plugin to lint SCSS.

ESLint Configuration

We use eslint to lint our JavaScript code. This follows a standard configuration.