title | tags | ||||
06. Prime Fields |
Authors: Evta, looking forward to your joining
Finite fields are essential in cryptography because they work well with computers. To create one, start with a prime number p and define elements as {0, 1, ..., p-1}, using standard addition and multiplication operations modulo p. The extended Euclidean algorithm finds multiplicative inverses.
For STARKs, we need fields with a subgroup of order
For example, a specific finite field with
def generator( self ):
assert(self.p == 1 + 407 * ( 1 << 119 )), "Do not know generator for other fields beyond 1+407*2^119"
return FieldElement(85408008396924667383611388730472331217, self)
def primitive_nth_root( self, n ):
if self.p == 1 + 407 * ( 1 << 119 ):
assert(n <= 1 << 119 and (n & (n-1)) == 0), "Field does not have nth root of unity where n > 2^119 or not power of two."
root = FieldElement(85408008396924667383611388730472331217, self)
order = 1 << 119
while order != n:
root = root^2
order = order/2
return root
assert(False), "Unknown field, can't return root of unity."