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10. zkStark AIR and Rescue-Prime |
Authors: Eta, looking forward to your joining
More Detail for zkStark:
Part I: STARK Overview
Part II: Basic Tools
Part II: FRI
Part IV: The STARK Polynomial IOP
Part V: A Rescue-Prime STARK
Part VI: Speeding Things Up
The arithmetic intermediate representation (AIR) is vital in STARKs, framing computations through execution traces and constraints, which are interpolated into polynomials. The trace can be viewed as a series of state transitions of registers. To reduce the time and space complexity for the prover, the polynomials are linearly combined into one polynomial. This verification involves symbolic evaluation and division by a zerofier polynomial to ensure computational integrity. Finally, from the arithmetic constraint system, two types of witnesses are obtained: the execution trace of the entire program to be proven for trace polynomials, the constraints for quotient polynomials, which could be used for polynomial commitments and FRI system as shown in zkStarks Part One.
defprove( self, trace, transition_constraints, boundary, proof_stream=None ): # create proof stream object if necessary if proof_stream== None: proof_stream= ProofStream() # concatenate randomizers for kin range(self.num_randomizers): trace= trace+ [[self.field.sample(os.urandom(17))for sin range(self.num_registers)]] # interpolate trace_domain= [self.omicron^ifor iin range(len(trace))] trace_polynomials= [] for sin range(self.num_registers): single_trace= [trace[c][s]for cin range(len(trace))] trace_polynomials= trace_polynomials+ [Polynomial.interpolate_domain(trace_domain, single_trace)] # subtract boundary interpolants and divide out boundary zerofiers boundary_quotients= [] for sin range(self.num_registers): interpolant= self.boundary_interpolants(boundary)[s] zerofier= self.boundary_zerofiers(boundary)[s] quotient= (trace_polynomials[s]- interpolant)/ zerofier boundary_quotients+= [quotient] # commit to boundary quotients fri_domain= self.fri.eval_domain() boundary_quotient_codewords= [] boundary_quotient_Merkle_roots= [] for sin range(self.num_registers): boundary_quotient_codewords= boundary_quotient_codewords+ [boundary_quotients[s].evaluate_domain(fri_domain)] merkle_root= Merkle.commit(boundary_quotient_codewords[s]) proof_stream.push(merkle_root) # symbolically evaluate transition constraints point= [Polynomial([self.field.zero(), self.field.one()])]+ trace_polynomials+ [tp.scale(self.omicron)for tpin trace_polynomials] transition_polynomials= [a.evaluate_symbolic(point)for ain transition_constraints] # divide out zerofier transition_quotients= [tp/ self.transition_zerofier()for tpin transition_polynomials] # commit to randomizer polynomial randomizer_polynomial= Polynomial([self.field.sample(os.urandom(17))for iin range(self.max_degree(transition_constraints)+1)]) randomizer_codeword= randomizer_polynomial.evaluate_domain(fri_domain) randomizer_root= Merkle.commit(randomizer_codeword) proof_stream.push(randomizer_root) # get weights for nonlinear combination # - 1 randomizer # - 2 for every transition quotient # - 2 for every boundary quotient weights= self.sample_weights(1+ 2*len(transition_quotients)+ 2*len(boundary_quotients), proof_stream.prover_fiat_shamir()) assert([tq.degree()for tqin transition_quotients]== self.transition_quotient_degree_bounds(transition_constraints)), "transition quotient degrees do not match with expectation" # compute terms of nonlinear combination polynomial x= Polynomial([self.field.zero(), self.field.one()]) terms= [] terms+= [randomizer_polynomial] for iin range(len(transition_quotients)): terms+= [transition_quotients[i]] shift= self.max_degree(transition_constraints)- self.transition_quotient_degree_bounds(transition_constraints)[i] terms+= [(x^shift)* transition_quotients[i]] for iin range(self.num_registers): terms+= [boundary_quotients[i]] shift= self.max_degree(transition_constraints)- self.boundary_quotient_degree_bounds(len(trace), boundary)[i] terms+= [(x^shift)* boundary_quotients[i]] # take weighted sum # combination = sum(weights[i] * terms[i] for all i) combination= reduce(lambda a, b : a+b, [Polynomial([weights[i]])* terms[i]for iin range(len(terms))], Polynomial([])) # compute matching codeword combined_codeword= combination.evaluate_domain(fri_domain) # prove low degree of combination polynomial indices= self.fri.prove(combined_codeword, proof_stream) indices.sort() duplicated_indices= [ifor iin indices]+ [(i+ self.expansion_factor)% self.fri.domain_lengthfor iin indices] # open indicated positions in the boundary quotient codewords for bqcin boundary_quotient_codewords: for iin duplicated_indices: proof_stream.push(bqc[i]) path= Merkle.open(i, bqc) proof_stream.push(path) # ... as well as in the randomizer for iin indices: proof_stream.push(randomizer_codeword[i]) path= Merkle.open(i, randomizer_codeword) proof_stream.push(path) # the final proof is just the serialized stream return proof_stream.serialize()
def verify( self, proof, transition_constraints, boundary, proof_stream=None ): H = blake2b # infer trace length from boundary conditions original_trace_length = 1 + max(c for c, r, v in boundary) randomized_trace_length = original_trace_length + self.num_randomizers # deserialize with right proof stream if proof_stream == None: proof_stream = ProofStream() proof_stream = proof_stream.deserialize(proof) # get Merkle roots of boundary quotient codewords boundary_quotient_roots = [] for s in range(self.num_registers): boundary_quotient_roots = boundary_quotient_roots + [proof_stream.pull()] # get Merkle root of randomizer polynomial randomizer_root = proof_stream.pull() # get weights for nonlinear combination weights = self.sample_weights(1 + 2*len(transition_constraints) + 2*len(self.boundary_interpolants(boundary)), proof_stream.verifier_fiat_shamir()) # verify low degree of combination polynomial polynomial_values = [] verifier_accepts = self.fri.verify(proof_stream, polynomial_values) polynomial_values.sort(key=lambda iv : iv[0]) if not verifier_accepts: return False indices = [i for i,v in polynomial_values] values = [v for i,v in polynomial_values] # read and verify leafs, which are elements of boundary quotient codewords duplicated_indices = [i for i in indices] + [(i + self.expansion_factor) % self.fri.domain_length for i in indices] leafs = [] for r in range(len(boundary_quotient_roots)): leafs = leafs + [dict()] for i in duplicated_indices: leafs[r][i] = proof_stream.pull() path = proof_stream.pull() verifier_accepts = verifier_accepts and Merkle.verify(boundary_quotient_roots[r], i, path, leafs[r][i]) if not verifier_accepts: return False # read and verify randomizer leafs randomizer = dict() for i in indices: randomizer[i] = proof_stream.pull() path = proof_stream.pull() verifier_accepts = verifier_accepts and Merkle.verify(randomizer_root, i, path, randomizer[i]) # verify leafs of combination polynomial for i in range(len(indices)): current_index = indices[i] # do need i # get trace values by applying a correction to the boundary quotient values (which are the leafs) domain_current_index = self.generator * (self.omega^current_index) next_index = (current_index + self.expansion_factor) % self.fri.domain_length domain_next_index = self.generator * (self.omega^next_index) current_trace = [self.field.zero() for s in range(self.num_registers)] next_trace = [self.field.zero() for s in range(self.num_registers)] for s in range(self.num_registers): zerofier = self.boundary_zerofiers(boundary)[s] interpolant = self.boundary_interpolants(boundary)[s] current_trace[s] = leafs[s][current_index] * zerofier.evaluate(domain_current_index) + interpolant.evaluate(domain_current_index) next_trace[s] = leafs[s][next_index] * zerofier.evaluate(domain_next_index) + interpolant.evaluate(domain_next_index) point = [domain_current_index] + current_trace + next_trace transition_constraints_values = [transition_constraints[s].evaluate(point) for s in range(len(transition_constraints))] # compute nonlinear combination counter = 0 terms = [] terms += [randomizer[current_index]] for s in range(len(transition_constraints_values)): tcv = transition_constraints_values[s] quotient = tcv / self.transition_zerofier().evaluate(domain_current_index) terms += [quotient] shift = self.max_degree(transition_constraints) - self.transition_quotient_degree_bounds(transition_constraints)[s] terms += [quotient * (domain_current_index^shift)] for s in range(self.num_registers): bqv = leafs[s][current_index] # boundary quotient value terms += [bqv] shift = self.max_degree(transition_constraints) - self.boundary_quotient_degree_bounds(randomized_trace_length, boundary)[s] terms += [bqv * (domain_current_index^shift)] combination = reduce(lambda a, b : a+b, [terms[j] * weights[j] for j in range(len(terms))], self.field.zero()) # verify against combination polynomial value verifier_accepts = verifier_accepts and (combination == values[i]) if not verifier_accepts: return False return verifier_accepts
Rescue-Prime STARK, a concretely useful STARK proof system that serves as both a post-quantum signature scheme and a proof of correct evaluation for the Rescue-Prime hash function. Rescue-Prime is described as an arithmetization-oriented hash function, employing a sponge construction with multiple almost-identical rounds. The steps involved in a single round include forward and backward S-box operations, matrix multiplications, and adding round constants. Transition constraints and boundary constraints are detailed for arithmetizing the Rescue-Prime function, and the process of obtaining witness data (the execution trace).
Rescue-Prime AIR
defround_constants_polynomials( self, omicron ): first_step_constants= [] for iin range(self.m): domain= [omicron^rfor rin range(0, self.N)] values= [self.round_constants[2*r*self.m+i]for rin range(0, self.N)] univariate= Polynomial.interpolate_domain(domain, values) multivariate= MPolynomial.lift(univariate, 0) first_step_constants+= [multivariate] second_step_constants= [] for iin range(self.m): domain= [omicron^rfor rin range(0, self.N)] values= [self.field.zero()]* self.N #for r in range(self.N): # print("len(round_constants):", len(self.round_constants), " but grabbing index:", 2*r*self.m+self.m+i, "for r=", r, "for m=", self.m, "for i=", i) # values[r] = self.round_constants[2*r*self.m + self.m + i] values= [self.round_constants[2*r*self.m+self.m+i]for rin range(self.N)] univariate= Polynomial.interpolate_domain(domain, values) multivariate= MPolynomial.lift(univariate, 0) second_step_constants+= [multivariate] return first_step_constants, second_step_constants deftransition_constraints( self, omicron ): # get polynomials that interpolate through the round constants first_step_constants, second_step_constants= self.round_constants_polynomials(omicron) # arithmetize one round of Rescue-Prime variables= MPolynomial.variables(1+ 2*self.m, self.field) cycle_index= variables[0] previous_state= variables[1:(1+self.m)] next_state= variables[(1+self.m):(1+2*self.m)] air= [] for iin range(self.m): # compute left hand side symbolically # lhs = sum(MPolynomial.constant(self.MDS[i][k]) * (previous_state[k]^self.alpha) for k in range(self.m)) + first_step_constants[i] lhs= MPolynomial.constant(self.field.zero()) for kin range(self.m): lhs= lhs+ MPolynomial.constant(self.MDS[i][k])* (previous_state[k]^self.alpha) lhs= lhs+ first_step_constants[i] # compute right hand side symbolically # rhs = sum(MPolynomial.constant(self.MDSinv[i][k]) * (next_state[k] - second_step_constants[k]) for k in range(self.m))^self.alpha rhs= MPolynomial.constant(self.field.zero()) for kin range(self.m): rhs= rhs+ MPolynomial.constant(self.MDSinv[i][k])* (next_state[k]- second_step_constants[k]) rhs= rhs^self.alpha # equate left and right hand sides air+= [lhs-rhs] return air def trace( self, input_element ): trace = [] # absorb state = [input_element] + [self.field.zero()] * (self.m - 1) # explicit copy to record state into trace trace += [[s for s in state]] # permutation for r in range(self.N): # forward half-round # S-box for i in range(self.m): state[i] = state[i]^self.alpha # matrix temp = [self.field.zero() for i in range(self.m)] for i in range(self.m): for j in range(self.m): temp[i] = temp[i] + self.MDS[i][j] * state[j] # constants state = [temp[i] + self.round_constants[2*r*self.m+i] for i in range(self.m)] # backward half-round # S-box for i in range(self.m): state[i] = state[i]^self.alphainv # matrix temp = [self.field.zero() for i in range(self.m)] for i in range(self.m): for j in range(self.m): temp[i] = temp[i] + self.MDS[i][j] * state[j] # constants state = [temp[i] + self.round_constants[2*r*self.m+self.m+i] for i in range(self.m)] # record state at this point, with explicit copy trace += [[s for s in state]] return trace