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26. BLS_ECDSA_Monero |
Authors: Eta, looking forward to your joining
This guide explores three major signature families: BLS, ECDSA, and Monero, each of which caters to specific needs within the cryptographic landscape.
- Strengths: Ideal for blockchain consensus voting due to efficient batch verification capabilities.
Algorithm: Relies on bilinear pairings, where
$e(a · G_1, b · G_2) = e(G_1, G_2)^{ab}$ . Here,$G_1$ and$G_2$ are cyclic groups of prime order p, with a hash function H and a secret random number$x ∈ Z_p$ ( private key), while the public key is$v = g^x_2 ∈ G_2$ . -
Signature and Verification:
- Signature:
$σ = H(M)^x$ , where M is the message. - Verification:
$e(σ, g_2) = e(H(m)^x, g_2) = e(H(m), g_2)^x = e(H(m), g^x_2) = e(H(m), v)$ , ensures the signature originated from the private key corresponding to the public key v.
- Signature:
Security Enhancements:
- Adding random bits (b ∈ {0, 1}) or random numbers (r ∈
$Z_p$ ) to the message (M') reduces reduction loss (potential vulnerability) to 2 bits and 1 bit respectively.- M’ = {M|b} 或 M’ = {M|b}
$σ = H(M')^x$ $e(σ, g_2) = e(H(m'), v)$
- Adding random bits (b ∈ {0, 1}) or random numbers (r ∈
BLS Batch Verification:
Two methods:
- Aggregate Signatures: Combines multiple signatures into one for verification using bilinear maps. Successful verification of this single signature confirms the validity of all individual signatures. The number of bilinear maps needed is n + 1 (where n is the total number of signatures).
$e(σ_{1,2,...,n, g_2}) = e(σ_1·σ_2·...·σ_n, g_2) = e(σ_1, g_2)·e(σ_2, g_2)·...·e(σ_n, g_2)$
- Linear Combination: Generates n signatures for the same message/block. These signatures and public keys are combined with random numbers to obtain a public key (V) and a signature (U), which requires only two bilinear maps for verification.
$e(U, g_2) = e(H(M),V)$
BLS Signature Derivatives:
- BBRO, ZSS, and BB signatures are all derived from BLS and offer additional features.
- BBRO and ZSS use one private key (a) and two public keys (
$g_1$ and h). They differ in the number of signatures generated and verification processes.- BBRO:
$σ = (σ_1, σ_2) = (h^aHash(m)^r, g^r)$ ,$e(σ_1, g) = e(h^a · Hash(m)^r, g) = e(h^a, g)e(Hash(m)^r, g) = e(g_1, h)e(Hash(m), σ_2)$ - ZSS:
$σ = h^{1/(a + Hash(m))}$ ,$e(σ, g_1g^{Hash(m)}) = e(h^{1/(a+Hash(m)), g^ag^{Hash(m)}}) = e(h,g)$
- BB signatures employ two private keys (a and β) and three public keys (
$g_1$ ,$g_2$ , and h).$σ = (σ_1, σ_2) = (r, h^{1/(a+βm+r)})$ $e(σ_2, g_1g^m_2g^{σ_1}) = e(h^{1/(a+βm+r), g^ag^{mβ}g^r}) = e(h,g)$
- Widely used: ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) and its variants like Schnorr, EdDSA, are prevalent for transaction signatures.
- Process: Involves four steps - commitment, challenge, response, and verification.
Schnorr Signature Example:
- Private key (u ∈ [1, n - 1]), public key (Y = u · G), message (m), random number (k ∈ [1, n - 1]).
- Commitment (R = k · G).
- Challenge (e = hash(m, R)).
- Response (z = k + e · u mod n).
- Signature (R, z).
- Verification: z · G = (k + e · u) · G = R + e · Y. (Leakage risk: Using the same k for different messages can reveal the private key).
- Improves security by deriving k from a hash function using message and private key parameters, ensuring a unique k for each message.
$k = sha256(hi_{bit}, m) \mod n$
ECDSA on Elliptic Curve Groups:
- Similar to Schnorr, but the public key PK is derived from the low bit of private key d:
$(low_{bit}, hi_{bit}) := sha512(d)$ -
$y = low_{bit}$ ,$PK = y·G$ ,
- Potential private key leakage is mitigated by calculating k using a hash of the private key and message,
$k = sha256(hi_{bit}, m) \mod n$
Key Distinction: Utilizes a "key image" (
$I = x · H_p(P)$ ) that hides the public key (P), achieving anonymity. -
- Message (m) comprises five UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs), including user's UTXO.
- Five random numbers (
$q_i$ ) and four additional random numbers ($w_i$ ). - Commitment: Creates five points (
$L_i$ ) using$q_i$ , G,$P_i$ (public keys), and$w_i$ .${L1, L2, L3, L4, L5} = {q_1G + w_1P_1, q_2G+w_2P_2, q_3G, q_4G+w_4P_4, q_5G +w_5P_5}$
- Challenge (c) is derived from a hash function using the message, commitment points, and additional random points,
$c = H_s(m, L_1, ...., L_5, R_1,...R_5)$ . - Response: Calculates five response values (
$c_i$ ) and five new random numbers ($r_i$ ).${c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, c_5} = {w_1, w_2, c-(c_1 + c_2 + c_4 + c_5), w_4, w_5}$ ${r_1, r_2, r_3, r_4, r_5} = {q_1, q_2, q_3 - c_3 · x, q_4, q_5}$
- Signature (σ) includes key image, response values, and new random numbers,
$σ = {I, c_1, ..., c_5, r_1, ..., r_5}$ - Verification: Ensures the consistency between the challenge, message, commitment points, and response values,
$c_1+...+c_5 = H_s(m, L_1',...,L_5', R_1',...,R_5')$
In Short:
<<<<<<< HEAD BLS speeds up blockchain consensus with batch verification. ECDSA remains a secure and efficient choice for transactions. Monero prioritizes anonymity with unique signatures. ||||||| bcdfa77 BLS excels in blockchain consensus due to its efficient batch verification. ECDSA remains a
BLS speeds up blockchain consensus with batch verification. ECDSA remains a secure and efficient choice for transactions. Monero prioritizes anonymity with unique signatures.