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Avoid generating dynamic landunit adjustment fluxes for glacier changes in the first timestep #340



I have struggled with how to handle changes in glacier area in the first timestep of a run. Specifically, I've struggled with the case: If you're doing a hybrid run or a startup run that points to a spunup initial conditions file, and the CTSM initial file disagrees with the CISM initial file. In this case, CTSM will see a change in glacier area in the first time step.

Currently, I've been treating this the same as if a change in glacier area arises during the run loop, with the consequent dynamic landunit adjustment fluxes. I can still envision scenarios where this may be what's wanted. However, the recent experience with an inadvertent glacier area change resulting in huge dynamic landunit adjustment fluxes has led me to feel that, in general, we should let CTSM update to the initial CISM glacier areas in the first time step without generating any adjustment fluxes. That is, it should effectively sync up with CISM areas in initialization, even if the CISM areas differ from what's on the CTSM restart file.

Example of when you might want the current behavior (dynamic landunit adjustment fluxes generated in the first time step): If you run a case with an evolving ice sheet, then run CISM offline for some time to evolve the ice sheet further, then plug in the updated CISM initial conditions file into a hybrid case and expect CLM to generate adjustment fluxes as if you had just continued the first run with CISM coupled in the whole time.

Example of when this causes problems, and the new behavior will be better: If you run a case without an evolving ice sheet, then (unknown to you) CISM changes in a way that affects its initial glacier cover, then you do a hybrid run off of the original case with the new CISM code: With the current code, you'd get big adjustment fluxes in the first time step, but this generally isn't what you want.

I'm becoming more concerned about supporting the second example than the first example.

Incidentally: It turns out that the big adjustment fluxes due to water and energy conservation currently don't affect the coupled system. This is because they are generated in time step -1 of the model (a pre-time step that is done before the real run loop gets underway), and apparently fluxes at that time don't affect the rest of the system. But this is still relevant for its impact on state variables that are adjusted more rigorously with dynamic landunits - currently, carbon and nitrogen states, but eventually some water and energy states as well. I feel that the new, proposed solution will more often do the right thing in this respect - keeping glacier state variables at the values from spunup glacier columns, rather than possibly adjusting them to be a blend of glacier and natural veg state variables in the first time step, if CTSM's glacier areas disagree with CISM glacier areas.

A final reason why I like the new, proposed solution is that I think it is consistent with what we'd get if we could update CTSM to match CISM's glacier areas in initialization, rather than needing to wait until the run loop. That's what I'd really like to do, but the current mct-based driver doesn't allow that. I hope we'll be able to do that when we switch to a NUOPC-based driver/mediator. (Although if we really wanted to maintain the current behavior, we could probably come up with a way to do so even if we're generally getting CISM's glacier area in initialization.)

Note that, in all cases, changes to CISM's glacier areas in the first time step of a branch or restart run will result in adjustment fluxes (the same as if you had run straight through without stopping).

@whlipscomb @lofverstrom @lvankampenhout do any of you have any thoughts on this? I realize these points are subtle, and I'm not sure if I'm explaining this very well. Don't feel the need to spend a lot of time thinking about this, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to weigh in if you want to.


enhancementnew capability or improved behavior of existing capability
on Apr 11, 2018
added this to the cesm2 milestone on Apr 11, 2018
self-assigned this
on Apr 11, 2018

billsacks commented on Apr 11, 2018


If I make this change: In addition to running the standard test suite, I should also confirm that it doesn't change answers for a 3-day B case mimicking Cecile's setup (with a hybrid start)

Update (8-4-18): Based on revelations today (see #340 (comment)), this could change answers in any case where the finidat file was generated using a different PE layout from the current case. So I'm not going to do this test mentioned above: We have to just understand that this change can lead to roundoff-level changes in a couple of Greenland gridcells in many cases.


whlipscomb commented on Apr 12, 2018


@billsacks, Thanks for the detailed explanation. I agree with your suggested change, for all the reasons you mentioned.


lofverstrom commented on Apr 16, 2018


billsacks commented on Apr 16, 2018


@mvertens confirmed that this change makes sense and is consistent with what we'll be able to do once we switch to nuopc.


billsacks commented on Apr 16, 2018


@ekluzek gave his okay here, too.

moved this from To do to In progress in CTSM: Upcoming tagson Apr 16, 2018

billsacks commented on Apr 18, 2018


I still feel like this is the right thing to do long-term. Specifically, this involves changing:

to just consider is_first_step (at least, I think that's the right logic). I'm pretty sure that's all that's needed.

However: I'm concerned that this will change answers for the ongoing CESM2 runs being done by Cecile and others, because of the buggy CISM initial conditions files (with ice sheet accidentally evolved for a few years) that have resulted in incorrect glacier areas on the CLM initial conditions files in our current hybrid refcases. (This means that, in runs currently being done, CLM invokes the dynamic landunits adjustment code in the first time step of the run, as it adjusts CISM areas to the correct, observed areas. So changing this logic would change behavior in this respect.)

So I'd like to wait to bring this change in until CESM is no longer pointing to any refcases that have old CLM initial files that had these wrong Greenland glacier areas. This may mean timing this just right in the CESM2 release process, or (more likely) it may mean waiting until post-release.

removed this from the cesm2 milestone on Apr 18, 2018
moved this from In progress to To do in CTSM: Upcoming tagson Apr 18, 2018
added this to the cmip6 milestone on Apr 27, 2018

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    Avoid generating dynamic landunit adjustment fluxes for glacier changes in the first timestep · Issue #340 · ESCOMP/CTSM