- Picker: Updates
value dynamically (b03f0e5), closes #169, #156 - Keyboard-aware-scroll-view:
- Content: Eliminates margin on the top of Content which includes any fields inside of it. (9dce714), closes #182
- FooterTab: Added onPress support for elements of FooterTab (47a5ae7), closes #180, #188
- InputGroup: Allows null block inside InputGroup Component. (94c7913), closes #137, #202
- Tabs: Helps to switch between the Tabs component programatically. Say
page = 1
. (3253fe8), closes #181, #203 - Tabs: Ensures that Tabs component's props.children is an array, else creates a single item array if it is not. Thus allows calls to .filter() and .map(). (c9bc57d), closes #207
- ES Lint: Config ESLint (airbnb) to enforce coding style. (dee1deb)
- Deck Swiper: Tinder-like swipe cards to select/reject data set with features to swipe left and right.
- Generate Image from Icon: Genrates an Image resource for NativeBase Icons. (eb2e79a), closes #183
- filter() for null values: Usually if a null value is passed as a child to Component, it throws few errors. This .filter() removes all falsey values from this.props.children, preventing the errors, and returning the correct result. (9690468)