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Repository files navigation


A stupidly simple todo list application that just works. No complex database, no unnecessary features - just todos.


  • ✨ Clean, minimal interface
  • 🌓 Dark/Light mode with system preference detection
  • 💾 File-based storage - todos persist between sessions
  • 📱 Fully responsive design
  • 🚀 Fast and lightweight

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default Required
PORT The port number the server will listen on 3000 No
DUMBDO_PIN PIN protection for accessing todos (4-10 digits) - No

Quick Start

Running Locally

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd dumbdo
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start the server
npm start
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Using Docker

  1. Build the image
docker build -t dumbdo .
  1. Run the container
docker run -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data dumbdo


Todos are stored in a JSON file at ./data/todos.json. The file is automatically created when you first run the application.

To backup your todos, simply copy the data directory. To restore, place your backup todos.json in the data directory.


The application follows the "Dumb" design system principles:

  • No complex storage
  • Single purpose, done well
  • "It just works"

Project Structure

├── app.js          # Frontend JavaScript
├── index.html      # Main HTML file
├── server.js       # Node.js server
├── styles.css      # CSS styles
├── data/          # Todo storage directory
│   └── todos.json
├── Dockerfile     # Docker configuration
└── package.json   # Dependencies and scripts

Color Scheme

  • Primary: #2196F3 (Material Blue)
  • Hover: #1976D2 (Darker Blue)

Light theme:

  • Background: #f5f5f5
  • Container: white
  • Text: #333
  • Borders: #ccc

Dark theme:

  • Background: #1a1a1a
  • Container: #2d2d2d
  • Text: white
  • Borders: #404040




This is meant to be a simple application. If you're writing complex code to solve a simple problem, you're probably doing it wrong. Keep it dumb, keep it simple.