These functions are declared in file Core.h. C source files shoulld #include this file. C++ source files should #include CoreIO.h (which #includes Core.h) instead.
Represents a DMA chennel number.
Represents a DMA priority level. On the SAME5x and SAMC21, priorities range from 0 (highest priority) to 3 (lowest priority).
Represents a pin number. Pin numbers 0-31 are the Port A pins, 32-63 are the Port B pins and so on. See also functions PortAPin, PortBPin usw. declared in CoreIO.h.
This represents the number of a SAME5x or SAMC21 EXINT. Used in the pin table.
An unsigned integral type that represents a PWM frequency. Typically 16-bits, to 0 to 65536Hz.
An unsigned type that represents an interrupt priority. Ranges from 0 to 7 on most procressos, but SAM4S and SAM4E support 0-15.
An enumeration that descibes the desired mode of a pin. One of: INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, INPUT_PULLDOWN, OUTPUT_LOW, OUTPUT_HIGH, AIN, OUTPUT_PWM_LOW, OUTPUT_PWM_HIGH.
A type representing whether or not interrupts were or should be enabled.
The processor clock frequency. Some peripherals may also run at this frequency.
A pin number that never exists.
Returns the number of elements in the array _x.
Declares the parameter _p of the currernt function to be unused. Used in some ASF files.
Does nothing; but could be amended to generate a crash dump. Called by some ASF files.
Returns a 32-bit count of miliseconds since startup.
Returns a 64-bit count of miliseconds since startup.
Delays by the specified number of milliseconds.
Sets the specified pin to the specified mode, if possible. Safe to call with an invalid pin number such as NoPin.
Reads from the specified pin to the specified mode, if possible. Returns false if called with an invalid pin number such as NoPin.
Writes to the specified pin to the specified mode, if possible. Safe to call with an invalid pin number such as NoPin.
Returns a ransom or pseudo-random 32-bit unsigned integer. Uses the true ramdom number generator peripheral if the MCU has one.
Delays until at least the specified number of processor clock cycles after 'start'.
Delays for at least the specified number of microseconds.
Enables interrupts.
Disables interrupts.
Returns true if interrupts are enabled.
Converts its argument to boolean.
Disables interrupts and returns the original interrupt state. C++ source files should normally use class AtomicCriticalSectionLocker instead.
Enables interrupts if its argument indicates that they should be enabled. C++ source files should normally use class AtomicCriticalSectionLocker instead.
Returns true if the argument represents one of the digits 0 thru 9.
Returns true when called from an interrupt service routine or exception handler, otherwise false.