- Java version: Version 21.
- Database: Download PostgreSQL to your local computer.
- Create DB: Create database called
in your local machine.createdb smart_house
- Create User:
create user -s group2
- Create Password:
psql postgres
ALTER USER group2 WITH PASSWORD 'password';
- Connect to database:
psql -U group2 postgres
- List all database:
- Select the database:
\c db_name
- List all tables:
- IDE: Depends on you choice. e.g., VS Code, Eclipse, etc.
- Go to correct folder: cd smarthouse
- Run the project: Go to SmarthouseApplication.java and run the project using 'Start' button.
- Testing db connection: Check if the tables are correctly created in your database
Create Room & Device:
[POST] http://localhost:8080/api/rooms
{ "name": "Kitchen", "description": "50m2 kitchen space with modern equipments.", "brightness": 0, "occupancy": 0, "oxygenLevel": 21, "temperature": 21, "livingRoom": false, "devices": [ { "type": "BrightnessSensor", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "OccupancySensor", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "OxygenSensor", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "TemperatureSensor", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "LightBulb", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "Window", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "AC", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "Heater", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "Stove", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "VentilationSystem", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 }, { "type": "ElectricPlug", "status": false, "numLevel": 0 } ] } -
Update Room:
[PUT] http://localhost:8080/api/rooms/1
{ "name": "Kitchen", "description": "50m2 kitchen space with modern equipments.", "brightness": 75, "occupancy": 2, "oxygenLevel": 20, "temperature": 20, "livingRoom": false } -
Update Device:
[PUT] http://localhost:8080/api/devices/9
{ "type": "Stove", "status": true, "numLevel": 2 }
- Events and Actions are automatically adjusted based on the room properties (After changing room's parameters like occupancy, temperature, etc.).