This project contains how to find Nearest neighbour (unsupervised) by mixing Heterogeneous features such as Numerical Feature, Categorical Feature, Textual Feature
rawData.csv contains raw data crawled from a E-Commerce site in S.Korea textual data is written in Korean
Data scheme is like below
query, id, query_item_rank, price, impressionCount, clickCount, category, brand, title
this data is treaten by hand-crafted, so it has some errors like wrong matched brand or category because of below
- impressionCount and clickCount is written as Random number
- brand is extracted by first token in title (because title token order is very well organized)
- title is tokenized by only 'space' and special characters, not used special tokenizer such as NLTK.
- category is extracted by using special keywords in my knowledge
this Data is indexed by query
- This project shows simple Relevance feedback based Item recommendation.
- Relevance feedback:
- This script response an higher ranked item A and items which are lower ranked and substitute for A
(potentially sellable = similar item) - Candidates is classified based on K-NN (default K=5) by using categorical, numerical and textual features which are preprocessed by conducting such as impute and standarize numerical data, one hot vectorize in categorical data and CountVectorize in textual data.
- Python 3.5+
- Numpy 1.16.1+
- pandas 0.24.1+
- Scikit-learn 0.20.2+
- scipy 1.2.1+
you can use requirements file as below
pip install -r requirements.txt
- In order to use plotly, you first get apikey on
- and then rename file "./visualizer/seckey_tmp.ini" to "./visualizer/seckey.ini"
- overwrite your username and apikey on the seckey.ini file
above image shows the price of candidate items.
when you run ./visualizer/, you can get a HTML to analyze price distribution.
- genNumericMatrix: convert raw data of numeric features to data frame format
- genCateMatrix: convert raw data of categorical features to data frame format
- genTitleMatrix: query indexed document convert raw data of title data( textual data ) to data frame format
- __featureMixer: Mix all features by using Pipeline and ColumnTransformer in Scikit-learn if you want to use some features, you can select index of those feature you want to select this logic only use selected feature containing in "xxx_feat_idx"
def __featureMixer(numFeatDim, cateFeatDim, txtFeatDim, num_feat_idx=None,
cate_feat_idx=None, txt_feat_idx=None)
* numFeatDim:
* cateFeatDim:
* txtFeatDim:
* num_feat_idx:
* cate_feat_idx:
* txt_feat_idx: