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a neovim plugin that creates a vertical split window to help you manage and navigate your buffers more efficiently

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


❓ What is it

Introducing a new experimental and exciting plugin for buffers! This plugin gives you a vertical overview of all your open buffers. With the added functionality of such as sorting buffers, it allows for easy navigation and organization of your workspace.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this is an early version of the plugin, and there may be some bugs or quirks. However, I'm excited to share this tool with you and I hope you'll find it useful and that it will improve your workflows.

🔋 Motivation

The motivation behind this plugin is to provide a simple and efficient way to manage buffers in Neovim. While there are already some plugins that offer similar functionality, they don't quite meet my needs. I prefer to see my buffers in a vertical list, so that I can easily view all of my files at once.

Plugins like Bufferline are helpful, but they display buffers horizontally, which limits the number of files I can see at any given time. While Telescope has a buffers picker, I prefer a list that is always visible.

Furthermore, I often work with files that have similar names, but are located in different folders. I want to be able to order my buffers in a way that groups these files together, regardless of their location. For example, foo.ts and foo.test.ts should be next to each other in the list, even if one is in foo/bar/baz/ and the other is in tests/.

With this plugin, I aim to provide a solution that addresses these specific needs, making it easier and more efficient to manage buffers in Neovim.

✨ Features

  • Vertical display of open buffers for easy navigation
  • Display of file names with duplicates eliminated for better readability
    • For example, foo/bar/baz.ts would be displayed simply as baz if there are no other files with that name open
  • Unique naming of files with duplicates to avoid confusion
    • For example, if both a/foo/baz.ts and b/bar/baz.ts are open, they will be shown as foo/baz and bar/baz respectively
  • Shortcuts for seamless navigation between buffers
  • Sorting of buffers for customizable organization of your workflow
  • Pinning of buffers for persistent and convenient access
    • moved to the top of the buffer list and are protected from accidentally closed
    • saved and restored per cwd
  • Rename buffer "display name" (not actual filename)
    • it is persisted if you use session
  • Reorder buffer
    • the order is is persisted if you use session

🔍 Demo

Unique names






Pinned buffers




❗ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.8.0

Older versions may work without a problem but not tested


  • nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons
  • (optional) Tastyep/structlog.nvim (for logging)

⚙️ Setup

default setup with lazy.nvim

return {
  dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
  config = function()
      debug = {
        enabled = true,
        level = "error", -- "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace"
      exclude = {
        -- do not show them on the vuffers list
        filenames = { "term://" },
        filetypes = { "lazygit", "NvimTree", "qf" },
      handlers = {
        -- when deleting a buffer via vuffers list (by default triggered by "d" key)
        on_delete_buffer = function(bufnr)
          vim.api.nvim_command(":bwipeout " .. bufnr)
      keymaps = {
        -- if false, no bindings will be provided at all
        -- thus you will have to bind on your own
        use_default = true,
        -- key maps on the vuffers list
        -- - may map multiple keys for the same action
        --    open = { "<CR>", "<C-l>" }
        -- - disable a specific binding using "false"
        --    open = false
        view = {
          open = "<CR>",
          delete = "d",
          pin = "p",
          unpin = "P",
          rename = "r",
          reset_custom_display_name = "R",
          reset_custom_display_names = "<leader>R",
          move_up = "U",
          move_down = "D",
          move_to = "i",
      sort = {
        type = "none", -- "none" | "filename"
        direction = "asc", -- "asc" | "desc"
      view = {
        modified_icon = "󰛿", -- when a buffer is modified, this icon will be shown
        pinned_icon = "󰐾",
        window = {
          auto_resize= false,
          width = 35,
          focus_on_open = false,

If you use session, please call on_session_loaded when a session is restored. This is required to restore renamed buffers.

Example usage for neovim-session-manager

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
	pattern = "SessionLoadPost",
	callback = function()

or for built-in event

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("SessionLoadPost", {
	callback = function()

🔫 Usage

function param description
open { win?: winid } open the vuffers window. If win is provided, re-uses the pre-existing window with winid = id
close close the vuffers window
toggle toggle the vuffers window
is_open return true if the vuffers window is open
resize width: number | string resize the vuffers window. If a number is passed, set it as window width. If a string such as "+10" or "-10" is passed resize the window relatively
toggle_auto_resize toggle the auto resize functionality. When true, the window size is automatically adjusted based on the lengths of the display names
go_to_buffer_by_count {direction: 'next' | 'prev', count?: integer } open the next or previous buffer in the vuffers list. works with v count
go_to_buffer_by_line line_number?: integer open the buffer on the specified line. works with line number
sort {type: 'none' | 'filename', direction: 'asc' | 'desc' } sort the vuffers list
resize width: string | number resize vuffers list window. If string such as "+10" or "-10" passed, the window size is increased or decreased accordingly
increment_additional_folder_depth show extra parent folder. however, sorting is still based on the filename (e.g. "something" for "a/b/c/something.json")
decrement_additional_folder_depth opposite of increment_additional_folder_depth
pin_current_buffer pin current buffer. pinned buffer is placed on the top of the list
unpin_current_buffer opposite of pin_current_buffer
close_unpinned_buffers close all unpinned buffers. config.handlers.on_delete_buffer is called for each unpinned buffer.
reset_current_display_name reset display name for the current buffer
reset_all_display_names reset display name for all buffers
go_to_active_pinned_buffer go to currently active pinned buffer
go_to_next_pinned_buffer go to next pinned buffer from the active one
go_to_prev_pinned_buffer go to previous pinned buffer from the active one
toggle_auto_resize toggle auto resize
set_log_level level: 'error' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'trace' update log level

UI actions

UI actions are available only inside the vuffers window, and the target is the buffer under the cursor. See keymaps.view in the config.

function description
open open the buffer
delete close the buffer
rename rename the buffer, popup asks you a new name
reset_custom_display_names reset all display names
move_up move up the buffer by one (also support v count)
move_down move down the buffer by one (also support v count)
move_to move the buffer to the specified index. For example, 5i moves the buffer under the cursor to the 5th position

⚡ Highlight Groups

  • VuffersWindowBackground

  • VuffersActiveBuffer

  • VuffersModifiedIcon

  • VuffersPinnedIcon

  • VuffersActivePinnedIcon

⬆️ Ideas for improvements

  • custom order
  • sort by parents
    • for example a/b/c.json and a/b/d.json are grouped and sorted by b
  • toggle full path from cwd
  • filter by name
  • (show Git signs)
  • (show LSP diagnostics)


a neovim plugin that creates a vertical split window to help you manage and navigate your buffers more efficiently






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  • Lua 99.8%
  • Makefile 0.2%