A dynamic movie streaming website built with React, Redux, Express, and MongoDB, allowing users to explore trending and upcoming movies, and search by genres like Action, Comedy, Horror, etc.
Website can be accessed on
- Browse trending and upcoming movies
- Filter movies by genre (Action, Comedy, Horror, etc.)
- Real-time data rendering and smooth navigation
- User-friendly interface inspired by Netflix design
- User authentication and profiles
- Frontend: React.js, Redux
- Backend: Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- State Management: Redux
Follow the steps below to run the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
- Navigate to the project folder:
- Install dependencies for both the frontend and backend:
- Start the backend server:
- Build and start the frontend:
- Open your browser and navigate to:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/netflix-clone.git
cd netflix-clone
npm install
npm run start:backend
npm run build && npm run start:frontend
- Watchlist functionality
- Movie rating and review system
Feel free to contribute to the project by submitting pull requests or reporting issues.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Built with ❤️ by your-username