- Australia
pefcl (PE-Financial) is a financial banking resource for FiveM written in TypeScript and React.
NPWD is a FiveM phone resource written entirely in TypeScript and React.
General multipurpose bot for the Overextended Discord guild.
Player and vehicle management and persistence for FiveM.
A FiveM resource and script library for Lua and JS.
citizenfx / lua
Forked from lua/luaThe Lua repo, as seen by the Lua team. Mirrored irregularly. Please DO NOT send pull requests. Send issues/patches to the Lua mailing list https://www.lua.org/lua-l.html
Super fast sftp/ftp extension for VS Code
The FiveM resource that provides integration between CADvanced (https://cadvanced.app) and FiveM in the form of an in-game MDT
Second version of Fivem selldrugs script
vMenu is a custom server sided trainer/menu, built using a custom version of NativeUI. It has full permissions support, so the server owner can decide who's allowed to do what.