- Start a branch
- Update to the latest SDK versions in ios/purchases_flutter.podspec, macos/purchases_flutter.podspec and android/build.gradle.
- Run
flutter format .
- Update versions in VERSIONS.md.
- Update CHANGELOG-LATEST.md with the changes for the current version (to be used by Fastlane for the github release notes)
- Run
bundle exec fastlane bump_and_update_changelog version:X.Y.Z
(where X.Y.Z is the new version) to update the version number in pubspec.yaml, purchases_flutter.podspec and android/build.gradle. flutter pub pub publish --dry-run
- If purchases-hybrid-common was updated, run
pod update PurchasesHybridCommon
in bothMagicWeather
- Commit the changes, open a PR into main, merge when ready
git tag x.y.z
git push origin main && git push --tags
- Create a new release in github
flutter pub pub publish