🧠 I am currently learning Vue.js, SQL
📝 I regularly write articles.
💬 Ask me about TECH, AI
📫 How to reach me guptamansi201@gmail.com
- My portfolio - https://dishagup.github.io/
🧠 I am currently learning Vue.js, SQL
📝 I regularly write articles.
💬 Ask me about TECH, AI
📫 How to reach me guptamansi201@gmail.com
The application provides a user-friendly interface for creating, organizing, and tracking tasks through different stages of completion.
JavaScript 2
An e-commerce website for clothing, health & care products. A Collaborative project Built in 5 Days.
Wrike is a project management company. It lets users to set the timeline, divides the task among team collaboators, and reminds them with the task and deadlines. It also offers user a template cate…
JavaScript 3
Forked from Shanky43/subdued-stocking-2928
An e-commerce website of medicines.
JavaScript 1
This is a frontend project built with React. It utilizes the OpenAI API to generate humorous stories based on provided keywords. The generated stories are displayed on the frontend.
JavaScript 2