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A Kong plugin that sends request logs to Segment's track() API.

Current Design

  • It expects incoming requests to contain a JWT in the Authorization header, and otherwise logs an error.

  • The JWT is decoded (not validated) to obtain the ID of the user making the request.
    See config.jwt_payload_key__user_id

  • A user event is sent to Segment's track() API with this data:

        userId: 'u123', // the user ID from the decoded JWT
        event: 'POST /articles/a123/comments', // (See config.event_name_template)
        properties: {
            method: 'POST', // The HTTP method of the request
            uri: '', // The full URI of the request
            protocol: 'https', // The protocol of the request
            host: '', // The host of the request
            port: 443, // The port of the request
            rawpath: '/articles/a123/comments?a=2#there, // The full, raw path as returned by kong's body.request.uri
            path: '/articles/a123/comments', // The path of the request (See config.strip_trailing_slash)
            queryString: 'a=2',
            queryObject: {a: '2'},
            queryJson: '{"a": "2"}',
            hash: 'there',
            pathComponent1: 'articles', // The first path component of the request
            pathComponent2: 'a123',
            pathComponent3: 'comments',
            pathComponent4: undefined,
            pathComponent5: undefined,
            pathComponent6: undefined,
            pathComponent7: undefined,
            pathComponent8: undefined,
            pathComponent9: undefined,
            pathComponent10: undefined,
            timeOfProxy: 123, // In ms, from Kong's latencies.proxy
            timeOfKong: 45, // In ms, from Kong's latencies.kong
            timeOfRequest: 678, // In ms, from Kong's latencies.request
            statusCode: 200, // Integer status code of the response
        context: {
            ip: '', // From Kong's `client_ip`
            userAgent: 'curl', // From the request's `User-Agent` header
        timestamp: From Kong's `started_at`, converted to ISO8601 timestamp

Installation & Usage

  1. Install kong-segment-log via Luarocks

    $ luarocks install kong-segment-log
    # Or, optionally, specify a version to install: (this version is not real)
    $ luarocks install kong-segment-log 10.0.0-1
  2. Add the segment-log plugin to your Kong Configuration

    Kong v0.9.x

    In kong.conf, list the segment-log plugin in your custom_plugins configuration, e.g.

    custom_plugins = segment-log,another-custom-plugin
    Kong v0.6.x – v0.8.x

    In kong.yml, list the segment-log plugin under custom_plugins, e.g.

      - segment-log
    Kong v0.5.x

    In kong.yml, list the segment-log plugin under plugins_available, e.g.

      - segment-log
  3. Activate the segment-log plugin via Kong's API

    curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins/ --data name=segment-log --data config.segment_write_key=abc123

    Available configuration:

    Name Type Required Default Description / Notes
    config.segment_write_key string yes None The "write key" for your Segment Source – comes from your segment source > Settings
    config.jwt_payload_key__user_id string no "sub" The name of the property from the JWT payload whose value contains the user ID
    config.event_name_template string no "API Request: {method}" Template for the event name as sent to Segment. Available template values: {method}, {path}, {host}
    config.strip_trailing_slash boolean no true If true, strips the trailing slash from the {path} parameter in the event name template.
    config.timeout number no 10000 Timeout for the request to Segment, in ms
    config.keepalive number no 60000 Keepalive for the request to Segment, in ms

Example shell script for injecting the custom plugin into your configuration file.

# Check for custom plugin segment-log
cat /etc/kong/kong.yml | grep "segment-log"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
	echo "custom plugin segment-log already configured";
	echo "add custom plugin to kong.yml";
	# This command inserts the text `  - segment-log` directly after the line containing `plugins_available:`.
	sed -i '/plugins_available:/a \  - segment-log' /etc/kong/kong.yml

How to publish on Luarocks

Luarocks Docs: Publishing your code online

  1. Update the kong-segment-log-*.rockspec file:
    • Update version and source.tag with a new version number.
    • Rename the file to update the version number to match.
    • Commit & push to github.
  2. Tag your commit and push the tag to github (or use github's Releases feature, where you can add a better description):
    $ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m 'Big updates!'
    $ git push --tags
  3. Upload the rock to Luarocks:
    $ luarocks upload kong-segment-log-*.rockspec --api-key=<your API key>


kong proxy plugin for pushing logs to segment







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