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Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems(WDL) is proposed by Google in 2016.

Model Structure

The WDL model structure & code in this repo refer to Intel model zoo.
The hide units of DNN network is [1024, 512, 256]. There is a difference between this and Intel version on data processing. Continuous columns input as numeric column after normalization, expect "I10" that input as identity column, and categorical column input as embedding column after hashed. For details of data procesing, see Dataset Processing.

The model structure is as follow:
The input of model is consist of dense features and spare features. The former is a vector of floating-point numbers, and the latter is a list of sparse indices. The model is divided into two parts, Linear model and DNN model. Linear model take the combine of dense features and sparse features as input, while DNN model take the combine of dense features and the embedding table of sparse feature as input. The model's output is the probability of a click calculated by the output of Linear and DNN model.

                                   probability of a click
                      _____________________>  ADD  <______________________
                    /                                                      \ 
                    |                                              ________|________ 
                    |                                             |                 |
                    |                                             |                 |
                    |                                             |                 |
                Linear Op                                         |       DNN       |
                    /\                                            |                 |
                   /__\                                           |                 |
                    |                                             |_________________|
                    |                                                      /\
                    |                                                     /__\
                    |                                                   ____|_____
                    |                                                 /            \
                    |                                                /       |_Emb_|____|__|
                    |                                               |               |
    [dense features, sparse features]                       [dense features] [sparse features]
input:                                          |
                                 [dense features, sparse features]


Stand-alone Training

  1. Please prepare the data set first.

  2. Create a docker image by DockerFile.
    Choose DockerFile corresponding to DeepRec(Pending) or Google tensorflow.

    docker build -t DeepRec_Model_Zoo_WDL_training:v1.0 .
  3. Run a docker container.

    docker run -it DeepRec_Model_Zoo_WDL_training:v1.0 /bin/bash
  4. Training.

    cd /root/

    Use argument --bf16 to enable DeepRec BF16 in deep model.

    python --bf16

    Use arguments to set up a custom configuation:

    • --data_location: Full path of train & eval data, default to ./data.
    • --output_dir: Full path to output directory for logs and saved model, default to ./result.
    • --checkpoint: Full path to checkpoints input/output directory, default to $(OUTPUT_DIR)/model_$(MODEL_NAME)_$(TIMESTAMPS)
    • --steps: Set the number of steps on train dataset. Default will be set to 10 epoch.
    • --batch_size: Batch size to train. Default to 512.
    • --timeline: Save steps of profile hooks to record timeline, zero to close, defualt to 0.
    • --save_steps: Set the number of steps on saving checkpoints, zero to close. Default will be set to 0.
    • --keep_checkpoint_max: Maximum number of recent checkpoint to keep. Default to 1.
    • --deep_learning_rate: Learning rate for deep network. Default to 0.05.
    • --linear_learning_rate: Learning rate for linear model. Default to 0.2.
    • --bf16: Enable DeepRec BF16 feature in DeepRec. Use FP32 by default.
    • --no_eval: Do not evaluate trained model by eval dataset.
    • --inter: Set inter op parallelism threads. Default to 0.
    • --intra: Set intra op parallelism threads. Default to 0.
    • --input_layer_partitioner: Slice size of input layer partitioner(units MB).
    • --dense_layer_partitioner: Slice size of dense layer partitioner(units kB).
    • --protocol: Set the protocol("grpc", "grpc++", "star_server") used when starting server in distributed training. Default to grpc.

Distribute Training

  1. Prepare a K8S cluster and shared storage volume.
  2. Create a PVC(PeritetVolumeClaim) for storage volumn in cluster.
  3. Prepare docker image by DockerFile.
  4. Edit k8s yaml file
  • replicas: numbers of cheif, worker, ps.
  • image: where nodes can pull the docker image.
  • claimName: PVC name.


Stand-alone Training

Test Environment

The benchmark is performed on the Alibaba Cloud ECS general purpose instance family with high clock speeds - ecs.hfg7.2xlarge.

  • Hardware

    • Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8369HC CPU @ 3.30GHz
    • CPU(s): 8
    • Socket(s): 1
    • Core(s) per socket: 4
    • Thread(s) per core: 2
    • Memory: 32G
  • Software

    • kernel: 4.18.0-305.12.1.el8_4.x86_64
    • OS: CentOS Linux release 8.4.2105
    • GCC: 8.4.1
    • Docker: 20.10.9
    • Python: 3.6.8

Performance Result

Framework DType Accuracy AUC Globalsetp/Sec
WDL Community TensorFlow FP32 0.7671165 0.7502928 31.1121 (baseline)
DeepRec w/ oneDNN FP32 0.7664720 0.7505082 31.1755 (+1.00x)
DeepRec w/ oneDNN FP32+BF16 0.7690585 0.7568862 44.3273 (+1.42x)
  • Community TensorFlow version is v1.15.5.


Train & eval dataset using Kaggle Display Advertising Challenge Dataset (Criteo Dataset).


Put data file train.csv & eval.csv into ./data/
For details of Data download, see Data Preparation


Total 40 columns:
[0]:Label - Target variable that indicates if an ad was clicked or not(1 or 0)
[1-13]:I1-I13 - A total 13 columns of integer continuous features(mostly count features)
[14-39]:C1-C26 - A total 26 columns of categorical features. The values have been hashed onto 32 bits for anonymization purposes.

Integer column's distribution is as follow:

Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Min 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Max 1539 22066 65535 561 2655388 233523 26279 5106 24376 9 181 1807 6879

Categorical column's numbers of types is as follow:

column C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26
nums 1396 553 2594031 698469 290 23 12048 608 3 65156 5309 2186509 3128 26 12750 1537323 10 5002 2118 4 1902327 17 15 135790 94 84305


  • Interger columns I[1-9,11-13] is processed with tf.feature_column.numeric_column() function, and the data is normalized.
    In order to save time, the data required for normalization has been calculated in advance.
  • Interger columns I10 is processed with tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity() function, and then packed by tf.feature_column.indicator_column() fucntion.
  • Categorical columns C[1-26] is processed with tf.feature_column.embedding_column() function after using tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_hash_bucket() function.


  • Benchmark
  • DeepRec DockerFile