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Standalone implementation. It means that you can put this server wherever you want, even on another machine. You need to setup a project in Actions on Google Console. You find instructions below.

Based on Pawcio's script at domoticz forum


  • public url
  • python >= 3.5
  • reverse proxy for establishing secure connection (if not using Ngrok)

Domoticz-Google-Assistant delivers:

  • The oauth authorization and smarthome endpoint for the google assistant.
  • Two-factor authentication pin for domoticz protected devices. (works best with english language)
  • Acknowledgement with Yes or No. (works best with english language)
  • Arm Disarm Securitypanel. (works best with english language)
  • On/Off, Brightness, Thermostat, Color Settings, speaker volume, Lock/Unlock, Scene and Open/Close.
  • Stream surveillance camera to chromecast.
  • Toggle Selector switches.
  • Ngrok, instantly create a public HTTPS URL. Don't have to open any port on router and do not require a reverse proxy.

Please feel free to modify it, extend and improve

RPI/Ubuntu Installation with autostart

This installs the dzga in a virtual enviroment.

Just open a terminal window and execute this command. Thats it!

bash <(curl -s

Start/stop Domoticz-Google-Assistant server:

sudo systemctl start dzga
sudo systemctl stop dzga

Check if service is running:

sudo systemctl status dzga

To update run installer again:

bash <(curl -s

To run manually:

cd /home/${USER}/
sudo systemctl stop dzga #If service is running
source Domoticz-Google-Assistant/env/bin/activate
python3 Domoticz-Google-Assistant

Manual Installation

Open a terminal window and execute those commands. NOTE: "${USER}" will automatically take your username. No need to change that. Just copy and paste.

cd /home/${USER}/
git clone
pip install -r ~/Domoticz-Google-Assistant/requirements/pip-requirements.txt

Manual start (stop with 'ctrl-c'):

cd /home/${USER}/
python3 Domoticz-Google-Assistant


cd /home/${USER}/Domoticz-Google-Assistant/
git pull


You can access the interface via http://localhost:3030/settings. The default username is admin and the default password is admin. Configuration and Actions on Google must be modified properly. You can also edit config.yaml in Domoticz-Google-Assistant folder to change the configuration.

# Configuration:
port_number: 3030

# Instantly create a public HTTPS URL. Don't have to open any port on router and do not require a reverse proxy.
# Ngrok assigns random urls. When server restart the server gets a new url
ngrok_tunnel: false 

# Login on Google Home app and configuration interface
auth_user: 'admin'
auth_pass: 'admin'
# Domoticz Settings:
  ip: ''
  port: '8080'
  roomplan: '0'
  username: 'username'
  password: 'password'
  switchProtectionPass: '1234' #Set this to false if ask for pin function is not needed
# Google Assistant Settings:

Setup Actions on Google Console Instructions

  • Use the Actions on Google Console to add a new project with a name of your choosing and click - Create Project.

    • Click Home Control, then click Smart Home.
    • On the top menu click Develop, then on the left navigation menu click on Invocation.
    • Add your App's name. Click Save.
    • Click 'Save'.
  • Add Credentials

    • Navigate to the Google Cloud Console API Manager for your project id.
    • Click 'Create credentials'
    • Click 'OAuth client ID'
    • Choose 'other'
    • Add name e.g. 'SmartHomeClientID'
    • Copy the client ID shown and insert it in ClientID in config
    • Copy the client secret shown and insert it in ClientSectretin config
  • Add Request Sync (optional but recomended)

    The Request Sync feature updates devices without unlinking and relinking.

    • Navigate to the Google Cloud Console API Manager for your project id.
    • Enable the HomeGraph API. This will be used to request a new sync and to report the state back to the HomeGraph.
    • Click Credentials
    • Click 'Create credentials'
    • Click 'API key'
    • Copy the API key shown and insert it in Homegraph_API_Key in config.
  • Navigate back to the Actions on Google Console.

    • On the top menu click Develop, then on the left navigation menu click on Actions. Enter the URL for fulfillment, e.g. https://[YOUR REVERSE PROXY URL]/smarthome, click Done.
    • On the left navigation menu under Account Linking.
    • Under Client Information, enter the client ID and secret from earlier.
    • Change Authorization URL to https://[YOUR REVERSE PROXY URL]/oauth (replace with your actual URL).
    • Change Token URL to https://[YOUR REVERSE PROXY URL]/token (replace with your actual URL).
    • Do NOT check 'Google to transmit clientID and secret via HTTP basic auth header'.
    • Click 'Save' at the top right corner, then click 'Test' to generate a new draft version of the Test App.

Connect smart home devices to your Google Home device

  • On your mobile device, open the Google Home app.
  • On the Home tab, tap the “Add” quick action .
  • Tap Set up a device
  • Tap Have something already set up?
  • Select your device app e.g: "[test]Your Appname"
  • Login with auth credentials from config

Share devices

If you want to allow other household users to control the devices:

  • Go to the settings for the project you created in the Actions on Google Console.
  • Click Test -> Simulator, then click Share icon in the right top corner. Follow the on-screen instruction:
    • Add team members: Got to Settings -> Permission, click Add, type the new user’s e-mail address and choose Project -> Viewer role.
    • Copy and share the link with the new user.
    • When the new user opens the link with their own Google account, it will enable your draft test app under their account.
  • Have the new user go to their Google Home app to add "[test]Your Appname" to their account. Login with Oauth credentials from

Stream camera to chromecast

Stream security camera to chromecast. Supports hls, dash, smooth streaming, Progressive MP4 urls. More info: You need a to convert your video url to one of above. Try with ffmpeg or with a surveillance software system. Try out
In domoticz you need to attach a switch to your camera (create a switch then in Settings/Camera, add the switch to the camera)

Example convert rtsp to hls or mp4 using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:123456@ \
  -acodec copy \
  -vcodec copy \
  -hls_wrap 40 \
  -flags -global_header \
ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:123456@ \
  -c:a aac \
  -vcodec copy \
  -f mp4 \
  -y \
  -flags -global_header \

In config:

  Enabled: false
      - '123'
      - '234'
      - '345'
      - 'http://your.web.server/cam/cam.m3u8'
      - ''
      - 'http://user:password@'

Device Settings

Nicknames, rooms and ack can be set in the Domoticz user interface. Simply put the device configuration in the device description, in a section between 'voicecontrol' tags like:

nicknames = Kitchen Blind One, Left Blind, Blue Blind
room = Kitchen
ack = True

Other parts of the description are ignored, so you can still leave other useful descriptions. Every variable should be on a separate line. If there is no such configuration in the Domoticz device it will still try the

Useful commands

With 'ack' : True:

User: Turn on the dining room light.
Google Assistant: Turning on the dining room light. Are you sure?
User: Yes.
Google Assistant: Turning on the dining room light.

Security device:

User: Set the security system to armed away.
Google Assistant: Can I have your security code?
User: 1234
Google Assistant: Ok, arming the security system to armed away.

User: Is my security system armed?
Google Assistant: The security system is armed to armed away.

Speaker volume:

User: Set volume on living room speaker to 50%
Google Assistant: Sure

User: Turn up the volume on living room speaker?
Google Assistant: Alright (Volume increases with 1%)

When a device has low battery:

User: Lock front door.
Google Assistant: The front door lock has low battery. Locking the front door.

Stream front door camera to TV.

User: Show front door camera on [Chromecast device name].
Google: Streaming front door on [Chromecast device name].

Selector switch:

User: Turn on [Level Name] on living room light.
Google Assistant: Turning on [Level Name] on living room light?

Force devices sync


Run as service for autorun at startup

(If installation made manually) Open terminal or putty.

cd /etc/systemd/system/
sudo nano dzga.service

Add this in nano (change 'pi' to match your user):

Description=Domoticz-Google-Assistant Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/Domoticz-Google-Assistant/

Then ctrl-x save and close. Enable service:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
sudo systemctl enable dzga.service
sudo systemctl start dzga.service