# create a root authority cert
# create a wildcard cert for mysite.com
./create_certificate_for_domain.sh MEINESEITE
or this for none wildcards
# or create a cert for www.mysite.com, no wildcards
./create_certificate_for_domain.sh www.mysite.com www.mysite.com
Edit the v3.ext file and change it to your site name.
Open local your site and download the certificate. Put it to your local Keystore and trust it, because you generated it.
Or run this command in the console:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain MEINESEITE.crt
Put the .pem File to your cellphone. (Attention! Do not put it into the normal Download folder, because you can't see / install it from there) Then open and install it to your device.
Have fun.