Welcome to the Repositories of Devin Ledwell
- LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devin-ledwell-815330166
- Devin Ledwell is a software developer student with Get Coding
Current Module: Back-end & Database
Project Descriptions:
Recipe Site
Programming languages: HTML 5, CSS, Javascript
Description: Site designed for use on both PC and Mobile/Tablet, for searching recipes through https://developer.edamam.com/edamam-recipe-api
Status: Completed. Will be moving onto a different project for the React.js module
Coach: Sam Russell
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, AWS (DynamoDB, Amplify, Cognito)
Description: Divvy streamlines shared expenses, making it easy for friends and family to split costs hassle-free. Enjoy real-time notifications, secure logins with AWS Cognito, and efficient data handling with DynamoDB.
Status: Final stages - in the process of debugging for large scale, and fixing known issues.
Coach: Devin Marsh
Next Steps: Adding group splitting and refining user interactions for smoother expense splitting.
Link to live project: https://divvyitup.ca
Get Coding Progress:
Module 1: Intro to Web Dev
Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the student:
- Can set up and manage their future projects using github/vscode
- Gets into the habit of committing and pushing code frequently, ideally every day
- Can create simple web apps using html, css and vanilla JS
- Has a strong understanding of JS and programming logic, ready to move to ES6, React.js or Node.js
Basics: Git, Github and VSCode
Front-End: HTML, CSS and Javascript
Project: Recipe Site
Coach: Sam Russell
Module 2: Career Transition Preparations
Linkedin Profile: Devin Ledwell - https://www.linkedin.com/in/devin-ledwell-815330166/
Goal: Update profile to be more presentable for employers in the tech field.
Project: Currently brainstorming ideas.
Coach: Sahand Seifi
Module 3: React.js for Designers
Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the student:
- Understands the 3-tier architecture, limitations and responsibilities of each tier
- Can create or maintain UI libraries for dev teams using React.js
Front-end: React.js
Project: Divvy - Receipt Splitter, using Camera API and localstorage to keep track of expenses.
Coach: Jacob Critch
Module 4: Back-end & Database
Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the student:
- Is considered hireable as a junior back-end developer
- Can create fairly complex back-ends using Node.js/Express without help
- Can design relational databases for common use-cases
- Has their project deployed in the cloud and understands the role of EB/EC2, RDS and Github Pages
Project: Deploying AWS services for completed project from Module 3, Divvy.
Coach: Devin Marsh
Module 5: Portofolio
Build Portfolio
Module 6: Automated Testing & CI/CD Pipelines
Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the student:
- Understands the importance and fundamentals of automated testing in software development.
- Can write comprehensive unit tests and integration tests for backend and frontend code using Jest and other testing frameworks.
- Is able to set up and configure CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes.
- Knows how to mock external services and APIs to ensure tests are reliable and isolated from external dependencies.
Basic DevOps: CI/CD Pipelines
Project: Applying automated testing to existing project, Divvy.
Coach: Devin Marsh