Welcome to my profile! I am a Full Stack Developer specializing in Front End Development. My passions include CSS, Semantic HTML, Website Accessibility, and development frameworks such as Next.JS and React.JS, just to name a few.
I went to a coding bootcamp at the University of California, Irvine where I learned Full Stack Web Development and collaborated on various web applications.
I'm currently working on solidfying my frontend skills through Front End Mentor, a website with a collection of Front End projects for new and experienced developers alike. I am also currently going through Scrimba's Front End Development course. Afterwards, I plan to increase my existing knowledge of Back-End technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, and MongoDB.
I'm also planning to upskill in Mobile Application Development. ๐ฑ
I'm looking to collaborate on any web applications and/or mobile applications. ๐ฑ ๐ป
Fun fact: I am an avid fan of Japanese animation. ๐ผ ๐พ I am also very interested in learning about Cybersecurity, and plan to study it soon.
Below, are a list of my repositories that have projects I worked on and currently working on. The Front End Mentor and Scrimba repos are currently active and will continue to receive updates.