This Godot 4 plugin adds in a ComputeHelper class that keeps track of compute shaders and their uniforms. Here's a simple example of a shader that reads and then writes to a texture, making it grayscale (ideally in the render thread):
var image := Image.create(image_size.x, image_size.y, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBAF)
var compute_shader := ComputeHelper.create("res://compute-shader.glsl")
var input_texture := ImageUniform.create(image)
var output_texture := SharedImageUniform.create(input_texture)
compute_shader.add_uniform_array([input_texture, output_texture])
var work_groups := Vector3i(image_size.x, image_size.y, 1)
image = output_texture.get_image()
Corresponding shader file:
#version 450
layout(set = 0, binding = 0, rgba32f) readonly uniform image2D input_texture;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1, rgba32f) writeonly restrict uniform image2D output_texture;
layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
void main() {
ivec2 id = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
vec4 color = imageLoad(input_texture, id);
vec3 grayscale = vec3((color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0);
imageStore(output_texture, id, vec4(grayscale, 1.0));
I've made a few sample projects that use this plugin:
There's a few things I'd like to add to this plugin eventually:
- Basic shader reflection features, such as the ability to get the names of all of the uniforms in a shader, and the ability to set a shader's uniform based off of its name.
For more information on compute shaders in Godot 4, here are some useful resources:
- Official Compute Texture Demo Project
- "Godot 4 - Conway's Game Of Life (Full Lesson)" Video Tutorial (Uses C#)
- "Everything About Textures in Compute Shaders!" Article
- "How to use Compute Shaders in Godot 4" Video
And while you're here, here's some similar plugins you might want to look at: