The directional coupler is a 4-port network that is designed to divide and distribute RF.Microwave power.
Although this would seem to be a particularly mundane and simple task, these devices are both
very important in microwave systems, and very difficult to design and construct.
Two of the reasons for this difficulty are our desire for the device to be:
- Matched
- Lossless
Without going into to much math, here are the solutions for the drectional four ports coupler
The symmetric solutions is:
The asymmetrical solutions is:
Here we can say that port 1 is the input port, port 2 is the through port, port 3 is the coupled port, and port 4 is the isolation port
"Same as the old project, but now we need to add SMA Connectors
Layout And Model Parameters Without SMA Connection
Momentum Simulation Before Tunning
Layout Before Tunning
After Tunning
SMA Schematic
EM simulation