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Let's say you want to make a PreProcessor that replaces any text saying "Heya!" with "Whaaa"
We'll start off by creating a static class, let's call it TextReplacePreProcessor. Inside said class we'll want to create a Static Parse function, but you can name it whatever you want.
The Parse function will take a string, a PPInfo variable, and it'll return a string, that string is the source code of the U# program you want to parse.
PPInfo is in the USPPPatcher namespace.
public static class TextReplacePreProcessor {
private static string Parse(string program, PPInfo info)
return program.Replace("\"Heya!\"", "\"Whaaa\"");
Now that we have a parse function we'll want to subscribe it to the Patcher so that our parse function gets run for every U# program.
You'll want to call the Subscribe function in the PPHandler class, the first parameter is your Parse function, second is the Priority of your PreProcessor.
this determines in which order the PreProcessors are run (Higher is earlier).
and the last Parameter is the name of your PreProcessor, currently this is only used for logging.
You'd do this by creating another static function inside your class.
You'd probably want to use [InitializeOnLoadMethod] so that your subcribe function gets called whenever your script is loaded.
PPHandler is in the USPPPatcher namespace.
public static class TextReplacePreProcessor {
private static string Parse(string program, PPInfo info)
return program.Replace("\"Heya!\"", "\"Whaaa\"");
private static void Subscribe()
PPHandler.Subscribe(Parse, 1, "Example Text Replacer");
For more examples have a look at the Project(s) below
- Adds RPC calls with parameters to U#