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telegram bot to do furaffinity searches, notifications, subscriptions, etc


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FA search bot

This is a telegram bot which can:

  • Neaten up FA links into photos/documents, with captions.
  • Neaten up FA links by direct file link.
  • Inline FA searches. Also gallery, scraps and favourites browsing.
  • Subscribe to queries on FA, and receive notifications when new matching results are posted.

Future feature plans:

  • FA notifications

You can use it freely at @FASearchBot, add it to your own chats and channels, or use it inline anywhere by mentioning it



Private message it a link to a Fur Affinity submission page, thumbnail url or image download url, i.e, a link beginning with or and it will reply with the image embedded and a link to that image's gallery page. If you send a gif link, it will convert it for optimal quality in telegram.

Inline Responses

In any chat, mention the bot and pass it a Fur Affinity search query @FASearchBot [query] and pick from the inline results which image you'd like to share.

You can also use these qualifiers inline:

  • @FASearchBot gallery:username
  • @FASearchBot scraps:username
  • @FASearchBot favs:username

Inline Search Queries

The bot will support all Fur Affinity queries, and some extra filter options:

Taken from FurAffinity's search documentation:

Search understands basic boolean operators:

  • AND: hello & world
  • OR : hello | world
  • NOT: hello -world -or- hello !world

Grouping: (hello world) Example: ( cat -dog ) | ( cat -mouse)

Capabilities Field searching: @title hello @message world Phrase searching: "hello world" Word proximity searching: "hello world"~10 Quorum matching: "the world is a wonderful place"/3 Example: "hello world" @title "example program"~5 @message python -(php|perl)

Available Fields: @title @message @filename @lower (artist name as it appears in their userpage URL) @keywords Example: fender @title fender -dragoneer -ferrox @message -rednef -dragoneer


  • /add_subscription [query]

  • /list_subscriptions

  • /remove subscription [query]

  • /add_blocklisted_tag [tag]

  • /list_blocklisted_tags

  • /remove_blocklisted_tag [tag]

  • /pause [query?] - Pauses all subscriptions in chat, or specified subscription

  • /resume [query?] - Resumes all subscriptions in chat, or specified subscription

Subscription queries

Subscriptions understand basic boolean operators:

  • -, !, or not to exclude from the results, e.g. taur -ych -rating:adult
  • and and or to combine options, e.g. taur or centaur
  • You can use brackets too, e.g. (taur or centaur) and not ych

Phrases can be specified with quotation marks, e.g. "open ych" -reminder

And fields can be specified:

  • keywords:deer (or tags:deer, @keyword deer)
  • title:free (or @title free)
  • description:dragoness (or message: dragoness)
  • artist:rajii (or author:rajii, uploader:rajii, poster:rajii, @lower rajii, etc)
  • rating:general (or rating:safe)
  • rating:mature (or rating:questionable)
  • rating:adult (or rating:explicit)

You can also combine fields with other operators, for example using one of the negation operators to exclude from the results, e.g. taur -ych -rating:adult

Words can also be given with asterisks to allow prefixes or suffixes, e.g. multi*, *taur

Words (particularly ones with asterisks) can have an "except" or "ignore" clause, which can be a word, a quote, or a bracketed list of words/quotes, e.g. taurs except "no taurs", multi* ignore (multitude or multicolour*)
Submissions matching the original word, only in the case of the ignored words, will then not be included. But submissions that match both separately will be included. For example multi* ignore multicolour* would still match multicoloured multi-armed friend.

Block queries use the same syntax, and are combined with queries like so: (query) and not (blocklist)

A full railroad/syntax diagram of the query syntax is available here: query_parser_railroad.html


/beep - responds with boop

Send or forward the bot an image with no text as a private message, and it will recommend you try @foxbot (open source) or @FindFurryPicBot (closed source)


Running the bot for yourself

To set this up, you'll need to:

  • Download or clone the repo
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Add a config.json in the base directory, like so:
  "bot_key": "---",
  "api_url": ""
  • Set bot_key to your telegram bot API key, and api_url to the URL of a valid deployment of the FA API.
  • Run python3

If you want it to be able to prettify gifs, you will need docker running on the system.


telegram bot to do furaffinity searches, notifications, subscriptions, etc







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