Since, I now am set for learning Machine Learning ( more cooler could it possibly sound!), I might as well, for my own sake, list some good references to glean from. The links below are best described as not just some random blog posts or sites but well chosen, and highly informative ones, recommended by some of the major influencers in the present day field of applied ML. At the time, I'm suggesting no other than Rachel Thomas of Below, I list some of the blogs and websites that really are helpful or are likely to be so, since this is just the beginning.
Building powerful image classification models using very little data by Francois Chollet
This is one of the first blog posts that I seriously read and re-read desperately trying to make use of cats vs. dogs dataset that I had been carrying around for not knowing how to begin with in the absence of know how successfully setting up an AWS server's service.
It is excellent in a lot of sense.
- I could instantly start to work with a subset of the dataset I talked before.
- It's simple and conscise.
- It introduces so much terms and concepts, that, I think, really are the core to understanding correctly the idea behind ML.
- It was recommended by one of the kagglers who attribute his part-taking in the competition to the blog's author.
A kaggle notebook Keras Starter by Sterling Cutler is an interesting beginner's lure to another.
Not started reviewing it yet, however!
An website by Smerity who believes in "Saving the world one byte at a time"
Warning: Only experienced allowed. (And a fair one, I might add!)
A blog storyboard of a "A wandering machine learning researcher, bouncing between groups who wants to understand things clearly, and explain them well". Christopher Olah's posts are also a still too advanced a content for me by now.
The Unforgettable: forum
After getting back on the grounds, I realized the need to have some training on scientific image processing library. What else would better do the job than scikit-image library of Python. I have got a couple of links that, I hope, point me to the right direction:
- Official User Guide
- Image processing with scikit-image by Eric Chiang
- Scikit-image google forum
More on the way...I'll be back soon.