DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) data. While DeepVariant is highly accurate for many types of NGS data, some users may be interested in training custom deep learning models that have been optimized for very specific data.
This case study describes one way to train such a custom model using a GPU, in this case for BGISEQ-500 data.
Please note that there is not yet a production-grade training pipeline. This is just one example of how to train a custom model, and is neither the fastest nor the cheapest possible configuration. The resulting model also does not represent the greatest achievable accuracy for BGISEQ-500 data.
We demonstrated that by training on 1 replicate of BGISEQ-500 whole genome data (everything except for chromosome 20-22), we can significantly improve the accuracy comparing to the WGS model as a baseline: Indel F1 94.1866% --> 97.9979%; SNP F1: 99.8588% --> 99.9011%.
Training for 50k steps took about 1.5 hours on 1 GPU. Currently we cannot train on multiple GPUs.
This tutorial is meant as an example for training; all the other processing in this tutorial were done serially with no pipeline optimization.
For this case study, we use a GPU machine with 16 vCPUs.
Set the variables:
mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${BIN_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}"
gsutil -m cp ${DATA_BUCKET}/BGISEQ_PE100_NA12878.sorted.chr*.bam* "${DATA_DIR}"
gsutil -m cp -r "${DATA_BUCKET}/ucsc_hg19.fa*" "${DATA_DIR}"
gsutil -m cp -r "${DATA_BUCKET}/HG001_GRCh37_GIAB_highconf_CG-IllFB-IllGATKHC-Ion-10X-SOLID_CHROM1-X_v.3.3.2_highconf_*" "${DATA_DIR}"
gunzip "${DATA_DIR}/ucsc_hg19.fa.gz"
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install parallel
curl | bash -x
Create examples in "training" mode (which means these tensorflow.Example
s will
contain a label
In this tutorial, we create examples on one replicate of HG001 sequenced by BGISEQ-500 provided on the Genome In a Bottle FTP site.
In this tutorial, we show how to create examples in 2 different sets:
Training set (chr1), validation set (chr21) - These 2 sets are used in
and model_eval
, so we create them in "training" mode so they
have the real labels. We use chr20 for final evaluation for our trained model at
the end.
For the definition of these 3 sets in commonly used machine learning terminology, please refer to Machine Learning Glossary.
First, to set up,
sudo docker pull google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}-gpu"
Even though make_examples
step doesn't use GPU, we use nvidia-docker
( time seq 0 $((N_SHARDS-1)) | \
parallel --halt 2 --joblog "${LOG_DIR}/log" --res "${LOG_DIR}" \
sudo nvidia-docker run \
-v ${HOME}:${HOME} \
google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}-gpu" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/make_examples \
--mode training \
--ref "${REF}" \
--reads "${BAM_CHR1}" \
--examples "${OUTPUT_DIR}/training_set.with_label.tfrecord@${N_SHARDS}.gz" \
--truth_variants "${TRUTH_VCF}" \
--confident_regions "${TRUTH_BED}" \
--task {} \
--regions "'chr1'" \
) >"${LOG_DIR}/training_set.with_label.make_examples.log" 2>&1
This took about 24min. We will want to shuffle this on Dataflow later, so we copy the data to GCS bucket first:
gsutil -m cp ${OUTPUT_DIR}/training_set.with_label.tfrecord-?????-of-00016.gz \
( time seq 0 $((N_SHARDS-1)) | \
parallel --halt 2 --joblog "${LOG_DIR}/log" --res "${LOG_DIR}" \
sudo nvidia-docker run \
-v /home/${USER}:/home/${USER} \
google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}-gpu" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/make_examples \
--mode training \
--ref "${REF}" \
--reads "${BAM_CHR21}" \
--examples "${OUTPUT_DIR}/validation_set.with_label.tfrecord@${N_SHARDS}.gz" \
--truth_variants "${TRUTH_VCF}" \
--confident_regions "${TRUTH_BED}" \
--task {} \
--regions "'chr21'" \
) >"${LOG_DIR}/validation_set.with_label.make_examples.log" 2>&1
This took: ~11min.
Copy to GCS bucket:
gsutil -m cp ${OUTPUT_DIR}/validation_set.with_label.tfrecord-?????-of-00016.gz \
Shuffling the tensorflow.Example
s is an important step for training a model.
In our training logic, we shuffle examples globally using a preprocessing step.
First, if you have run this step before, and want to rerun it, you might want to consider cleaning up previous data first to avoid confusion:
# (Optional) Clean up existing files.
gsutil -m rm -f "${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/training_set.with_label.shuffled-?????-of-?????.tfrecord.gz"
gsutil rm -f "${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/training_set.dataset_config.pbtxt"
gsutil -m rm -f "${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/validation_set.with_label.shuffled-?????-of-?????.tfrecord.gz"
gsutil rm -f "${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/validation_set.dataset_config.pbtxt"
Here we provide an example of running on Cloud Dataflow Runner. Beam can also use other runners, such as Spark Runner and DirectRunner.
First, activate a virtual environment to install beam on your machine following the instructions at
Then, get the code that shuffles:
Next, we shuffle the data using DataflowRunner. Before that, please make sure you enable Dataflow API for your project:
To access gs://
path, make sure you run this in your virtual environment:
pip3 install apache_beam[gcp]
Shuffle using Dataflow.
time python3 ${SHUFFLE_SCRIPT_DIR}/ \
--project="${YOUR_PROJECT}" \
--input_pattern_list="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}"/training_set.with_label.tfrecord-?????-of-00016.gz \
--output_pattern_prefix="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/training_set.with_label.shuffled" \
--output_dataset_name="HG001" \
--output_dataset_config_pbtxt="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/training_set.dataset_config.pbtxt" \
--job_name=shuffle-tfrecords \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--staging_location="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/staging" \
--temp_location="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/tempdir" \
Also shuffle the validation set:
time python3 ${SHUFFLE_SCRIPT_DIR}/ \
--project="${YOUR_PROJECT}" \
--input_pattern_list="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}"/validation_set.with_label.tfrecord-?????-of-00016.gz \
--output_pattern_prefix="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/validation_set.with_label.shuffled" \
--output_dataset_name="HG001" \
--output_dataset_config_pbtxt="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/validation_set.dataset_config.pbtxt" \
--job_name=shuffle-tfrecords \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--staging_location="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/staging" \
--temp_location="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/tempdir" \
Then, you should be able to see the run on:
Here is an example of my run:
In order to have the best performance, you might need extra resources such as machines or IPs within a region. That will not be in the scope of this case study here.
The output path can be found in the dataset_config file by:
gsutil cat "${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/training_set.dataset_config.pbtxt"
In the output, the tfrecord_path
should be valid paths in gs://.
# Generated by
# --input_pattern_list=YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/training_set.with_label.tfrecord-?????-of-00016.gz
# --output_pattern_prefix=YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/training_set.with_label.shuffled
name: "HG001"
tfrecord_path: "YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/training_set.with_label.shuffled-?????-of-?????.tfrecord.gz"
num_examples: 341956
Here is the validation_set:
gsutil cat "${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/validation_set.dataset_config.pbtxt"
# Generated by
# --input_pattern_list=YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/validation_set.with_label.tfrecord-?????-of-00016.gz
# --output_pattern_prefix=YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/validation_set.with_label.shuffled
name: "HG001"
tfrecord_path: "YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/validation_set.with_label.shuffled-?????-of-?????.tfrecord.gz"
num_examples: 59285
NOTE: all parameters below are used as an example. They are not optimized for this dataset, and are not recommended as the best default either.
( time sudo nvidia-docker run \
-v /home/${USER}:/home/${USER} \
google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}-gpu" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/model_train \
--dataset_config_pbtxt="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/training_set.dataset_config.pbtxt" \
--train_dir="${TRAINING_DIR}" \
--model_name="inception_v3" \
--number_of_steps=50000 \
--save_interval_secs=300 \
--batch_size=32 \
--learning_rate=0.0005 \
--start_from_checkpoint="${GCS_PRETRAINED_WGS_MODEL}" \
) > "${LOG_DIR}/train.log" 2>&1 &
At the same time, we start model_eval
on the same machine. Given we only have
1 GPU in this example and is being used in model_train
, we run model_eval
on CPUs instead.
sudo docker pull google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}"
sudo docker run \
-v /home/${USER}:/home/${USER} \
google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/model_eval \
--dataset_config_pbtxt="${OUTPUT_BUCKET}/validation_set.dataset_config.pbtxt" \
--checkpoint_dir="${TRAINING_DIR}" \
--batch_size=512 > "${LOG_DIR}/eval.log" 2>&1 &
will watch the ${TRAINING_DIR}
and start evaluating when there
are newly saved checkpoints. It evaluates the checkpoints on the data specified
in validation_set.dataset_config.pbtxt
, and saves *metrics
file to the
directory. These files are used later to pick the best model based on how
accurate they are on the validation set.
When I ran this case study, running model_eval
on CPUs is fast enough because
didn't save checkpoints too frequently.
In my run, model_train
took about 1.5hr to finish 50k steps (with
batch_size 32). Note that model_eval
will not stop on its own, so I had to
kill the process after training is no longer producing more checkpoints.
You'll want to let model_train and model_eval run for a while before you start a TensorBoard. (You can start a TensorBoard immediately, but you just won't see the metrics summary until later.)
We can start a TensorBoard to visualize the progress of training better. We did this through a Google Cloud Shell from , on the top right:
This opens up a terminal at the bottom of the browser page, then run:
# Change to your OUTPUT_BUCKET from earlier.
tensorboard --logdir ${TRAINING_DIR} --port=8080
This gives some message like:
TensorBoard 2.1.1 at http://localhost:8080/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
But that link is not usable directly. I clicked on the “Web Preview” on the top right of the mini terminal:
And clicked on "Preview on port 8080":
Once it starts, you can see many metrics, including accuracy, speed, etc. You
will need to wait for both model_train
and model_eval
to run for a while
before the plots will make more sense.
You can directly look up the best checkpoint by running:
gsutil cat "${TRAINING_DIR}"/best_checkpoint.txt
In my run, this showed that the model checkpoint that performs the best on the
validation set was ${TRAINING_DIR}/model.ckpt-50000
This indicates that the accuracy on tuning set might continue to improve if we train beyond 50,000 steps.
But for now, let's use this model to do the final evaluation on the test set and see how we do. We can use the one-step command to call:
sudo nvidia-docker run \
-v /home/${USER}:/home/${USER} \
google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}-gpu" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
--model_type WGS \
--customized_model "${TRAINING_DIR}/model.ckpt-50000" \
--ref "${REF}" \
--reads "${BAM_CHR20}" \
--regions "chr20" \
--output_vcf "${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_set.vcf.gz" \
Once this is done, we have the final callset in VCF
format here: ${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_set.vcf.gz
. Next step is to run
complete the evaluation on chromosome 20:
sudo docker pull pkrusche/
time sudo docker run -it \
-v "${DATA_DIR}:${DATA_DIR}" \
pkrusche/ /opt/ \
"${TRUTH_VCF}" \
"${OUTPUT_DIR}/test_set.vcf.gz" \
-f "${TRUTH_BED}" \
-r "${REF}" \
-o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/chr20-calling.happy.output" \
-l chr20 \
The output of
is here:
[I] Total VCF records: 3775119
[I] Non-reference VCF records: 3775119
[W] overlapping records at chr20:21513895 for sample 0
[W] Variants that overlap on the reference allele: 1
[I] Total VCF records: 131294
[I] Non-reference VCF records: 97000
Benchmarking Summary:
INDEL ALL 10023 9792 231 19383 176 9015 118 0.976953 0.983025 0.465098 0.979979 NaN NaN 1.547658 2.091548
INDEL PASS 10023 9792 231 19383 176 9015 118 0.976953 0.983025 0.465098 0.979979 NaN NaN 1.547658 2.091548
SNP ALL 66237 66168 69 78612 62 12342 12 0.998958 0.999064 0.156999 0.999011 2.284397 2.197357 1.700387 1.812690
SNP PASS 66237 66168 69 78612 62 12342 12 0.998958 0.999064 0.156999 0.999011 2.284397 2.197357 1.700387 1.812690
To summarize, the accuracy is:
Type | # FN | # FP | Recall | Precision | F1_Score |
INDEL | 231 | 176 | 0.976953 | 0.983025 | 0.979979 |
SNP | 69 | 62 | 0.998958 | 0.999064 | 0.999011 |
The baseline we're comparing to is to directly use the WGS model to make the calls, using this command:
sudo nvidia-docker run \
-v /home/${USER}:/home/${USER} \
google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}-gpu" \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
--model_type WGS \
--ref "${REF}" \
--reads "${BAM_CHR20}" \
--regions "chr20" \
--output_vcf "${OUTPUT_DIR}/baseline.vcf.gz" \
Type | # FN | # FP | Recall | Precision | F1_Score |
INDEL | 387 | 836 | 0.961389 | 0.923119 | 0.941866 |
SNP | 115 | 72 | 0.998264 | 0.998913 | 0.998588 |
Starting from the default setting of this tutorial is a good starting point, but
this training case study is by no means the best setting. Training is both a
science and an art. There are many knobs that we could potentially tune. Users
might be able to use different parameters to train a more accurate model even
with the same data, such as batch_size
, learning_rate
When generating the training set, we can make some adjustment to create more
training data. For example, when we train the released WGS model for
DeepVariant, for each BAM file, we created an extra set of training examples
using --downsample_fraction=0.5
, which downsamples the reads and creates
training examples with lower coverage. We found that this makes the trained
model more robust.