This is my first cut at a Lush based theme that utilizes the pywal mechanism for creating a palette based on a background. It builds a lua Table from the ~/.cache/wal/colors and then uses the awesome Lush based primitives to modify the colours dynamically.
This is also my first lua based anything, your mileage may vary!
VimPlug Plug 'Deep-Six/pywal-lush',{'branch': 'main'}
The termguicolors
option must be set for this colorscheme.
" set the lightline theme.
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'pywal_lush'
\ }
" set the colorscheme
colorscheme pywal_lush
or in lua:
vim.g.lightline = { colorscheme = "pywal_lush" }
Currently, you may use lush
to modify the colorscheme directly if you wish.
The colors are offered by the theme, so you can also use them directly:
-- you could save this snippet as a `colors.lua` and require() it, or simply
-- include it in an existing file.
local lush = require("lush")
local colors = require("lush_theme.colors")
local theme = require("lush_theme.pywal")
-- lush allows you to modify a theme built using lush before it gets applied.
-- `injected_functions` / `local sym` are only for modifying tree-sitter highlights;
-- feel free to remove them if you're not changing any of those.
local spec = lush.extends({ theme }).with(function (injected_functions)
local sym = injected_functions.sym
return {
-- override the fg for the MatchParen highlight group using a hard-coded value.
MatchParen { fg = "white" },
-- modify NormalFloat's bg, by using the theme's NormalFloat original bg color.
NormalFloat { bg = theme.NormalFloat.bg.darken(80) },
-- use Comment colors, but don't italicize them (the default).
Comment { gui = "NONE" },
-- use theme.Comment.fg for a string, but adjusted (absolute, not relative) lighter.
String { fg = theme.Comment.fg.abs_lighten(20) },
-- use pywal-generated colors directly, but darkened/lightened as you wish.
Search { bg = colors.color8.darken(70), fg = colors.color1.lighten(90) },
-- change a tree-sitter highlight:
sym"@string.documentation" { fg = theme.Comment.fg.lighten(20) },
Support lualine as well as lightline.
See: http://git.io/lush.nvim for more information on Lush and a helper script to setup your repo clone.