- Java 7 to run.
- Mysql DB
- mvn clean install
- Setup Mysql DB instance. Refer DB setup Section
- Copy the application.properties to the folder with the jar file. Modify it to point to the correct JDBC, server port, ldap etc.
- Run the jar. ( nohup java -jar excord-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar & )
- http://localhost:9090
- excord support LDAP integration.
- excord supports Database Integration. (user: admin, pwd: manager)
- Spring Boot
- Freemarker template.
- Bootstrap.
- Jquery.
- Flyway DB migration.
- Lightweight application, Easy to Setup & Navigate.
- Create Requirements.
- Create Testcases.
- Create Testplans.
- Associate Testcases with Requirements.
- Associate Testcases with Testplan for execution.
- Reports
- REST API's for integration with automation tools. Automation scripts can POST the test results against testcases.
- History of changes tracked.
- Import & Export to and from Excel.
- Assign testcases to tester for execution.
- View all test steps on single test run page.
- View Execution history on a test plan.
- Test plan overall progress, pass rate, time to run visible.
- Cut & Paste test cases to different folders.
- Requirement coverage analysis
- Change in requirement triggers testcase for review and testcases for re-runs
CREATE USER 'excord' IDENTIFIED BY 'excord';
grant all on excord.* to 'excord'@'localhost' identified by 'excord';
flush privileges;
If you are using DB authentication insert this row.
INSERT INTO `excord`.`ec_user` (`id`, `username`, `name`, `password`, `role`, `enabled`, `created_date`,`email`)
VALUES ('1', 'admin', 'admin', 'manager', 'USER', '1', NOW(),'test@blackhole.com');
tail -f excord.log grep 'GET' access_log.*.log | egrep -v "(.gif|.jpg|.png|.swf|.ico|.txt|.xml|.css|.js|.rss)"
To stop the server. curl -X POST http://localhost:9095/manage/shutdown
Health Metrics: http://localhost:9095/manage/health
Thread dump: http://localhost:9095/manage/dump
Env: http://localhost:9095/manage/env
Metrics: http://localhost:9095/manage/metrics
ExCord is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Comments, bugs, pull requests, and other contributions are all welcomed! Icon designed by Freepik