Just a social app. This app is still in beta and lacks some features.
google-services.json file has been deleted for security reasons. Place your google-services.json in /app folder
- Registration
- Registration and logging in using firebase (stable)
- Flash Messages
- Instant messaging using notifications using firebase functions (stable)
- Make new friends
- Friend request and accepted notifications (stable)
- Manage friends (stable)
- Profile
- Manage your profile either online or offline (stable)
- Messages
- Send only text (stable)
- Send image and text (stable)
- Send location (stable)
- Posts Feed
- View posts of your friends (slightly stable)
- Like,Share,Comment,Add to Loved,Add to Favourites in that post (slightly stable)
- Real-time Chat
- Chat with your friends either in private or group (yet to)
- Messages
- Send group messages (unstable)
- Encryption
- Encrypt user data
Check out the cloud_functions folder for the code
Managing Posts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi8Sv590N4Y
Managing Friends - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaDg34DBShM
Sending Messages - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKlIbSifVfA
This whole project is maintained only by Amsavarthan Lv (me).
If you like to contribute, please let me know Email : amsavarthan.a@gmail.com
Logo designed by Live Mail Team from Uplabs.com