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Adrian Bobrowski edited this page Dec 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

Did you know most languages have very different rules for making words plural than English?

Some languages don't indicate plurals (such as Japanese), while for others the word will change depending on the quantity (such as Polish). Take a look at the official Unicode list of plural rules here.

To make things a bit easier, somebody has categorised the different plural types as follows:

  • zero - used to indicate a 0 quantity.
  • one - used to indicate a quantity of exactly 1.
  • two - used to indicate a quantity of exactly 2.
  • few - used to indicate a small quantity greater than 2, but this depends on the language.
  • many - used to indicate a large number, but this also depends on the language.
  • other - used to indicate every number that isn't covered by the above categories.
  • floating - used to indicate a floating-point number (New).
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