Create metasploit payload easily using Paybag
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip net-tools
git clone
cd Paybag
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
apt install python wget
git clone
cd Paybag
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Bugs Fixed
- If metasploit is not installed on your system, it will install automatically on your system (Only works on Debian-based distro and Termux)
1) Create a payload
- Create a payload by just giving LHOST and LPORT and send it to victim.
2) Start Listner
- After creating payload,send it to victim & execute it on victim machine.
- After execution,Select 'Start Listner',select LHOST from table and enter LPORT which used while creating payload.
- Now wait until a successfull connection.
3) Launch Metasploit
- Start Metasploit using Launch Metasploit option.
If you have any issue regarding this,report an issue here
Bitcoin - 38yipao4dR7E13v344oDB6ERtgVBNXP4Fn
Ethereum - 0x17d107aE35636D7544933aaA46B37ec47c10e271
Litecoin - 3PzqD13UK582iNKKURkobopawYcZYo9M2T
Ripple(XRP) - rUaoaWVWJRt177bYKodew6fqTFo32urh8Y?dt=1350931