- 👋 Hi, I’m Kellyn Gorman, AKA @Dbakevlar
- I'm the multiplatform advocate for database and AI at Redgate
- I contract on data and AI for Silk
- 💞️ I’m previously an SME for Oracle on Azure IaaS and worked at Microsoft in the CAE team for five years.
- 📫 You can reach me at kellyn . gorman at red-gate
-Oracle is the "whale in the pond" in Azure. Microsoft has 1000's of customers running Oracle in Azure on IaaS, but rarely is it discussed.
-This repository has some of my work from the last four years I've worked at Microsoft in higher-Ed and CAE, but more is housed in the Microsoft
-repository at Azure/Oracle-Workloads-for-Azure: Oracle workloads for Azure infrastructure as a service (Oracle Azure IaaS) (github.com)