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package tagger

The Tagger is the central source of truth for client-side entity tagging. It runs Collectors that detect entities and collect their tags. Tags are then stored in memory (by the TagStore) and can be queried by the tagger.Tag() method. Calling once tagger.Init() after the config package is ready is needed to enable collection.

The package methods use a common defaultTagger object, but we can create a custom Tagger object for testing.

The package will implement an IPC mechanism (a server and a client) to allow other agents to query the DefaultTagger and avoid duplicating the information in their process. Switch between local and client mode will be done via a build flag.

The tagger is also available to python checks via the tagger module exporting the get_tags() function. This function accepts the same arguments as the Go Tag() function, and returns an empty list on errors.


A Collector connects to a single information source and pushes TagInfo structs to a channel, towards the Tagger. It can either run in streaming mode, pull or fetchonly mode, depending of what's most efficient for the data source:


The DockerCollector runs in stream mode as it collects events from the docker daemon and reacts to them, sending updates incrementally.


The KubernetesCollector will run in pull mode as it needs to query and filter a full entity list every time. It will only push updates to the store though, by keeping an internal state of the latest revision.


The ECSCollector does not push updates to the Store by itself, but is only triggered on cache misses. As tasks don't change after creation, there's no need for periodic pulling. It is designed to run alongside DockerCollector, that will trigger deletions in the store.


The TagStore reads TagInfo structs and stores them in a in-memory cache. Cache invalidation is triggered by the collectors (or source) by either:

  • sending new tags for the same Entity, all the tags from this Source will be removed and replaced by the new tags
  • sending a TagInfo with DeleteEntity set, all the tags collected for this entity by the specified source (but not others) will be deleted when prune() is called.


TagInfo accepts and store tags that have different cardinality. TagCardinality can be:

  • LowCardinality: in the host count order of magnitude
  • OrchestratorCardinality: tags that change value for each pod or task
  • HighCardinality: typically tags that change value for each web request, user agent, container, etc.

Entity IDs

Tagger entities are identified by a string-typed ID, with one of the following forms:

Service Tagger Entity
workloadmeta.KindContainer container_id://<sha>
workloadmeta.KindGardenContainer container_id://<sha>
workloadmeta.KindKubernetesPod kubernetes_pod_uid://<uid>
workloadmeta.KindECSTask ecs_task://<task-id>
CloudFoundry LRP <processGuid>/<svcName>/<instanceGuid> or <appGuid>/<svcName>
Container runtime or orchestrator (none)
Kubernetes Endpoint kube_endpoint_uid://<namespace>/<name>/<ip>
Kubernetes Service kube_service://<namespace>/<name>
SNMP Config config hash


The Tagger handles the glue between Collectors and TagStore and the cache miss logic. If the tags from the TagStore are missing some sources, they will be manually queried in a block way, and the cache will be updated.

For convenience, the package creates a defaultTagger object that is used when calling the tagger.Tag() method.

               | Collector |
+--------+      +--+-------+       +-------------+
|  User  <------+  Tagger  +-------> IPC handler |
|packages|      +--+-----^-+       +-------------+
+--------+         |     |
                   |     |
                | TagStore |