CircleCI is used to run unit tests on Unix env.
/!\ Disclaimer: the datadog-agent-runner-circle image should never be used for anything else than CircleCI tests /!\
Change the Golang version in this file images/runner/Dockerfile
Then locally build and push the new image using
datadog/datadog-agent-runner-circle:go<new golang version>
for the image's
name. You will need write access to that repo on DockerHub (the Agent's team
should have it).
cd .circleci/images/runner
docker build -t datadog/datadog-agent-runner-circle:go1138 .
docker login
docker push datadog/datadog-agent-runner-circle:go1138
Once your image is pushed, update this file:
Change image: datadog/datadog-agent-runner-circle:goXXXX
for the tag you
just pushed.
Push your change as a new PR to see if CircleCI is still green.
If everything is green, get a review and merge the PR.