Datadog provides infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, and log management in a single-pane-of-glass view so teams can scale rapidly and maintain operational excellence.
Installing the Datadog package via Google Cloud Launcher deploys the Datadog Agent on every node in your Kubernetes cluster, and configures it with a secure, RBAC-based authentication and authorization model.
Get up and running with a few clicks! Install the Datadog Agent daemonset to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster using Google Cloud Marketplace.
Prior to that:
- Create a Datadog account
- Get your Datadog API key
Then follow the on-screen instructions.
Follow these instructions to install the Datadog Agent from the command line.
Your development environment should contain the following tools:
- Create a Datadog account
- Get your Datadog API key
Create a new cluster from the command line:
export CLUSTER=datadog-cluster
export ZONE=us-west1-a
gcloud container clusters create "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"
Configure kubectl
to connect to the new cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"
Clone this repository.
git clone
It's recommended to install the application in a dedicated namespace. Before launching installation you need to setup some varaibles:
export$(gcloud config get-value project | tr ':' '/')
export APP_NAME=datadog
export TAG=0.3.1 # Datadog Operator version that will be installed
You may also need to customize some parameters (name, namespace, APIKey)
docker build --build-arg TAG=$TAG --tag $REGISTRY/$APP_NAME/deployer . && docker push $REGISTRY/$APP_NAME/deployer && mpdev install
--parameters='{"name": "datadog", "namespace": "datadog-agent", "datadog.credentials.apiKey": "<your_api_key>"}'