Image-Editor is a simple GUI Image Editor written in C++ and Qt5 for Programmazione class held by Marco Bertini, it is available for Linux OS and Windows. It provides basic functionalities to manipulate images:
- Rotate clockwise
- Rotate anticlockwise
- Flip X
- Flip Y
- Grayscale
- ColorMask
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Scale
Filters (convolution):
- Blur
- Sharpen
- Emboss
- Edge detect
GTest lib suite is already included in the project. The only thing to modify to be able to compile the project is the Path to Qt5 library files. Just modify the variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
(CMakeLists.txt file located in the root folder of the repo) to your actual location of Qt libraries. The compilation process works already in Clion and QtCreator. For other Ides some adjustment may be done.
Note: the C++ compiler version to compile the project should be compatible at least with C++ 11.
An alpha executable for Linux (Ubuntu 18 or newer) and Windows has been released.