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Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes in Dart. All status codes defined in RFC1945 (HTTP/1.0, RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1), and RFC2518 (WebDAV) are supported.


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Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes in Dart. All status codes defined in RFC1945 (HTTP/1.0, RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1), and RFC2518 (WebDAV) are supported.

Codes of Http Status

Code Http Status Name Http Status (v1.x - v2.x Deprecated) Http Status (v2.x - v3.x)
100 Continue Continue / CONTINUE continue_
101 Switching Protocols Switching_Protocols / SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS switchingProtocols
102 Processing Processing / PROCESSING processing
103 Early Hints - earlyHints
200 OK Ok / OK ok
201 Created Created / CREATED created
202 Accepted Accepted / ACCEPTED accepted
203 Non Authoritative Information NonAuthoritative_Information / NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION nonAuthoritativeInformation
204 No Content No_Content / NO_CONTENT noContent
205 Reset Content Reset_Content / RESET_CONTENT resetContent
206 Partial Content Partial_Content / PARTIAL_CONTENT partialContent
207 Multi-Status MultiStatus / MULTISTATUS multiStatus
208 Already Reported Already_Reported / ALREADY_REPORTED alreadyReported
226 I'M Used IM_Used / IM_USED imUsed
300 Multiple Choices Multiple_Choices / MULTIPLE_CHOICES multipleChoices
301 Moved Permanently Moved_Permanently / MOVED_PERMANENTLY movedPermanently
302 Found / Moved Temporarily Found / Moved_Temporarily / FOUND / MOVED_TEMPORARILY found / movedTemporarily
303 See Other See_Other / SEE_OTHER seeOther
304 Not Modified Not_Modified / NOT_MODIFIED notModified
305 Use Proxy Use_Proxy / USE_PROXY useProxy
307 Temporary Redirect Temporary_Redirect / TEMPORARY_REDIRECT temporaryRedirect
308 Permanent Redirect Permanent_Redirect / PERMANENT_REDIRECT permanentRedirect
400 Bad Request Bad_Request / BAD_REQUEST badRequest
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized / UNAUTHORIZED unauthorized
402 Payment Required Payment_Required / PAYMENT_REQUIRED paymentRequired
403 Forbidden Forbidden / FORBIDDEN forbidden
404 Not Found Not_Found / NOT_FOUND notFound
405 Method Not Allowed Method_Not_Allowed / METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED methodNotAllowed
406 Not Acceptable Not_Acceptable / NOT_ACCEPTABLE notAcceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy_Authentication_Required / PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED proxyAuthenticationRequired
408 Request Timeout Request_Timeout / REQUEST_TIMEOUT requestTimeout
409 Conflict Conflict / CONFLICT conflict
410 Gone Gone / GONE gone
411 Length Required Length_Required / LENGTH_REQUIRED lengthRequired
412 Precondition Failed Precondition_Failed / PRECONDITION_FAILED preconditionFailed
413 Request Entity Too Large Payload_Too_Large / PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE / Request_Entity_Too_Large / REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE requestEntityTooLarge
414 Request-URI Too Long RequestURI_Too_Long / REQUESTURI_TOO_LONG / Request_Uri_Too_Long / REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG requestUriTooLong
415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported_Media_Type / UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE unsupportedMediaType
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Requested_Range_Not_Satisfiable / REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE requestedRangeNotSatisfiable
417 Expectation Failed Expectation_Failed / EXPECTATION_FAILED expectationFailed
418 I'm a teapot - imATeapot
419 Insufficient Space on Resource - insufficientSpaceOnResource
420 Method Failure - methodFailure
421 Misdirected Request Misdirected_Request / MISDIRECTED_REQUEST misdirectedRequest
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable_Entity / UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY unprocessableEntity
423 Locked Locked / LOCKED locked
424 Failed Dependency Failed_Dependency / FAILED_DEPENDENCY failedDependency
426 Upgrade Required Upgrade_Required / UPGRADE_REQUIRED upgradeRequired
428 Precondition Required Precondition_Required / PRECONDITION_REQUIRED preconditionRequired
429 Too Many Requests Too_Many_Requests / TOO_MANY_REQUESTS tooManyRequests
431 Request Header Fields Too Large Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large / REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
444 Connection Closed Without Response Connection_Closed_Without_Response / CONNECTION_CLOSED_WITHOUT_RESPONSE connectionClosedWithoutResponse
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons / UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS unavailableForLegalReasons
499 Client Closed Request Client_Closed_Request / CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST clientClosedRequest
500 Internal Server Error Internal_Server_Error / INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR internalServerError
501 Not Implemented Not_Implemented / NOT_IMPLEMENTED notImplemented
502 Bad Gateway Bad_Gateway / BAD_GATEWAY badGateway
503 Service Unavailable Service_Unavailable / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE serviceUnavailable
504 Gateway Timeout Gateway_Timeout / GATEWAY_TIMEOUT gatewayTimeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported HTTP_Version_Not_Supported / HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED httpVersionNotSupported
506 Variant Also Negotiates Variant_Also_Negotiates / VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES variantAlsoNegotiates
507 Insufficient Storage Insufficient_Storage / INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE insufficientStorage
508 Loop Detected Loop_Detected / LOOP_DETECTED loopDetected
510 Not Extended Not_Extended / NOT_EXTENDED notExtended
511 Network Authentication Required Network_Authentication_Required / NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED networkAuthenticationRequired
599 Network Connect Timeout Error Network_Connect_Timeout_Error / NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR networkConnectTimeoutError

A library for debugging and displaying http status codes. Includes 63 status codes, messages and desciptions sourced from the official spec and


dart pub add http_status
# or
flutter pub add http_status

Or in the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

  http_status: <latest_version>


A simple usage example:

import 'package:http_status/http_status.dart';

main() {
  // 200

  // HttpStatus(
  //   code: 200,
  //   name: 'OK',
  //   description: 'The request was fulfilled.'
  // )

  // 204

  // HttpStatus(
  //   code: 404,
  //   name: 'Not Found',
  //   description: 'The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.'
  // )

  // isInformation (Http Status Code 200 - 299)
  print(HttpStatusCode.processing.isInformationHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatusCode.notFound.isInformationHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(103).isInformationHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(404).isInformationHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(103.isInformationHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(400.isInformationHttpStatusCode); // false

  // isSuccessful (Http Status Code 200 - 299)
  print(HttpStatusCode.accepted.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatusCode.notFound.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(200).isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(404).isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(200.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(400.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode); // false

  // isRedirect (Http Status Code 300 - 399)
  print(HttpStatusCode.permanentRedirect.isRedirectHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatusCode.notFound.isRedirectHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(303).isRedirectHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(404).isRedirectHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(303.isRedirectHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(400.isRedirectHttpStatusCode); // false

  // isClientError (Http Status Code 400 - 499)
  print(HttpStatusCode.notFound.isClientErrorHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatusCode.processing.isClientErrorHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(404).isClientErrorHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(500).isClientErrorHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(404.isClientErrorHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(200.isClientErrorHttpStatusCode); // false

  // isServerError (Http Status Code 500 - 599)
  print(HttpStatusCode.internalServerError.isServerErrorHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatusCode.notFound.isServerErrorHttpStatusCode); // false;
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(502).isServerErrorHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(HttpStatus.fromCode(200).isServerErrorHttpStatusCode); // false
  print(503.isServerErrorHttpStatusCode); // true
  print(200.isServerErrorHttpStatusCode); // false
  1. Classic method

    import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
    import 'package:http_status/http_status.dart';
    final res = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
    if (res.statusCode == HttpStatusCode.ok) { // res.statusCode == 200
      final httpStatus = HttpStatus.fromCode(res.statusCode);
      return {
        'statusCode': res.statusCode,
        'httpStatus': httpStatus,
        'data': res.body
  2. Alternative method (Same as #1 method, but with more direct validation using .isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode)

    import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
    import 'package:http_status/http_status.dart';
    final res = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
    if (res.statusCode.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode) {
      final httpStatus = HttpStatus.fromCode(res.statusCode);
      return {
        'statusCode': res.statusCode,
        'httpStatus': httpStatus,
        'data': res.body
  3. Alternative method (Same as #1 method, if you need the HttpStatus object from the dynamically generated status code of the response)

    import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
    import 'package:http_status/http_status.dart';
    final res = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
    final httpStatusResponse = HttpStatus.fromCode(res.statusCode);
    if (httpStatusResponse.isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode) {
      return {
        'statusCode': res.statusCode,
        'httpStatus': httpStatusResponse,
        'data': res.body
    } else if (httpStatusResponse.isClientErrorHttpStatusCode) {
       // Handle client error
       // ...
    } else {
       // Handle other code error
       // ...

Thanking all Awesome Contributors ❤️


Contributions of any kind are welcome!



Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes in Dart. All status codes defined in RFC1945 (HTTP/1.0, RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1), and RFC2518 (WebDAV) are supported.






