A telegram bot, which can forward messages from channel, group or chat to another channel, group or chat automatically.
To configure this bot add the environment variables stated below. Or add them in config.env.template and change the name to config.env
- Get it by creating an app on https://my.telegram.orgAPI_HASH
- Get it by creating an app on https://my.telegram.orgBOT_TOKEN
- Get it by creating a bot on https://t.me/BotFatherFROM_CHATS
- Chat ID of the chats from where to forward messages. Seperated by space.TO_CHATS
- Chat ID of the chats where to forward messages. Seperated by space.TELEGRAM_SESSION
- (Optional) If you want to use this bot as user add the telegram session name in environment variables. Get it by running GenString and select the option 1 and follow the instructions.ADVANCE_CONFIG
- (Optional) If you want forward message from chat A to chat B and from chat C to chat D add this value in the format given below.
Or if you want to forward message from chat A to chat B, C and D. And from Chat E to Chat F
↑ ^---------------------^ ↑ ↑ to another chat
From channel To channel from another channel
- (Optional) Keywords to remove from message before forwarding. Seperated by;
. For example -
@username;https://t.me/username;Hey! My channel is XXxxXX
- (Optional) Keyword to add in the place ofREMOVE_STRING
Note - Supported identifier for a chat should be the chat id, username or message link.
Install the required Python Modules in your machine.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
With python3.7 or later.
python3 -m bot
- Copyright © 2021 — Adnan Ahmad
- Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 ‐ 29 June 2007