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Code formatting tools

The `pre-commit` and `check-style` tools use `clang-format` to fix the code style.

For Linux clang-format is part of clang and can be installed using your package

For Windows clang-format can be downloaded from

In order to use the tools copy the file "_clang-format" to the project's root
directory.  This file contains the description of the IoTivity-lite code style
and will be used by clang-format.

    # from project root directory run
    cp tools/_clang-format _clang-format

if using older version of clang-format version 5.0 or older use

    # from project root directory run
    cp tools/_clang-format_v5_or_less _clang-format

The clang-format tool can invoked directly for individual files.

    # from project root directory runf
    clang-format -style=file -i <*.c or *.h file>

The check-style tool can fix the code style of all the project's *.c and *.h
files or only print the changes. If no parameter is given the files are
automatically fixed, to only print the changes the option "-p" should be given.

    # to print the changes run
    python tools/check-style -p
    # to automatically fix the the files run
    python tools/check-style

The pre-commit file is a git hook that fix the code style of the commmit
automatically.  To use this tool copy this file to <project-root-dir>/.git/hooks/

    # from project root directory
    cp tools/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

The script will check only the files in the last
commit. It is designed for continuous integration builds. It can be run locally
if desired. Like the _clang-format file it must be placed in the root directory.

    # from project root directory run
    cp tools/

Documentation tools for the C APIs

Invoke doxygen doygen.ini to create the Doxygen API documentation.
Afterwards you find the start page by loading tools/html/index.html.

    # from project root directory
    cd tools & doxygen doxygen.ini
    # a file Doxygen.log will be created open it in an editor to view
    # error documentation

The script will run doxygen if there were any documentation issues
the Doxygen.log will be printed to the console.

    #from project root directory
    cd tools & ./build_doc