A sentence about who and what you are. Then a sentence about what you've achieved. And then a sentence about what you're looking for: what you would ideally be doing, with whom and in what environment.
Descriptive paragraph of how capable you are at this skill and, if relevant, how it has developed.
- Experience
- Achievements
- Evidence
Descriptive paragraph of how capable you are at this skill and, if relevant, how it has developed.
- I achieved A during my work at B (job, or otherwise)
- I contributed to the growth of X while doing Y (job, or otherwise)
- I built this, made this, broke this, fixed this, etc.
- A link to some on-line evidence (blogs, videos, articles, etc.)
Curious and passionate about code. [PROVIDE EVIDENCE]
Fast, independent learner [PROVIDE EVIDENCE]
Great collaborator [PROVIDE EVIDENCE]
Ruby, Rails, JavaScript
RSpec, Jasmine
- Biomedical Sciences HND
- Other cool stuff
Vacherin Ltd (2012 - 2017)
Events Supervisor
Smart Hospitality (2011 - 2012)
Cafe Assistant/Events Supervisor