- VueJs
- Vue CLI
- Typescript (Why not)
- Vuetify
- FontAwesome 5 (free)
$ npm run install
$ npm run serve
$ npm run build
To setup your own content simply update the src/assets/cv.ts
file and any images (Profile image, logos, etc... )that you might need.
An array of buttons to be rendered in the header of the CV to link to social media and whatnot. For example:
export const buttons = [
{ icon: ['fab', 'github'], label: 'Github', url: 'https://github.com/danielOrmeno' },
{ icon: ['fab', 'codepen'], label: 'Codepen', url: 'https://codepen.io/dormenog' }
Check the Font awesome documentation for Vue icons here
Defines the Profile and summary as seen on the header and in the first section of the CV.
The fields are pretty much self-explanatory, the overview can handle HTML
export const profile = {
name: 'John Doe',
title: 'Software Developer',
location: 'AwesomeVille.',
image: '/img/profile.jpg',
overview: `<strong>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</strong>, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus id finibus felis, vel interdum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam facilisis, felis eget pharetra faucibus, neque justo eleifend ligula, a finibus lorem justo ut odio.`,
An array of experience items, fields are pretty self-explanatory, title and description handles HTML
export const experience = [
company: 'Some Company',
title: 'Software Developer <small>Intern</small>',
years: '2016 - 2018',
tags: ['.Net', 'C#', 'VueJS', 'Angular', 'Azure'],
logo: 'https://someCompany.com/img/copyFreeLogo.svg',
description: `Made Cofee, introduced bugs, broke build.`,
// ...
An array of education items, fields are pretty self-explanatory, institution handles HTML
export const education = [
institution: 'University Name <span class="font-weight-light">AwesomeVille</span>',
degree: 'Some Degree'
years: '2015 - 2018',
hightlights: ['5 Gold Stars'],
logo: 'https://www.totallyLegal/img/copy-free-logo.svg',
// ...
A list of technologies you know. use an object like { label: '', techs: [] }
to break it up in sections. For example.
Note: Use the target
field (a number between 0 - 100) to set up the level of proficiency for a specific technology.
export const stack = [
label: 'Frameworks',
techs: [
avatar: 'https://vuejs.org/images/logo.png',
title: 'VueJs',
skill: 0,
target: 85,
avatar: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/images/hub/net.svg',
title: '.NET Framework',
skill: 0,
target: 70,
label: 'Languages',
techs: [
avatar: 'https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1052/1*DN7ToydkJZEdVaJVK_Nhvw.png',
title: 'Javascript',
skill: 0,
target: 70,
avatar: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/images/hub/csharp.svg',
title: 'C#',
skill: 0,
target: 75,
Anything else you want to list, like interests or hobbies.
export const complementary = [
title: 'Agile Software Development',
title: 'TDD',
title: 'Webpack',