diff --git a/Operating Systems.md b/Operating Systems.md
index b70e635..06f3c9c 100644
--- a/Operating Systems.md
+++ b/Operating Systems.md
@@ -100,47 +100,91 @@ wait操作:执行wait操作的进程进入条件变量链末尾,唤醒紧急
> 问题描述:使用一个缓冲区来存放数据,只有缓冲区没有满,生产者才可以写入数据;只有缓冲区不为空,消费者才可以读出数据
-> ```c
-> // 伪代码描述
-> // 定义信号量 full记录缓冲区物品数量 empty代表缓冲区空位数量 mutex为互斥量
-> semaphore full = 0, empty = n, mutex = 1;
-> // 生产者进程
-> void producer(){
-> do{
-> P(empty);
-> P(mutex);
-> // 生产者进行生产
-> V(mutex);
-> V(full);
-> } while(1);
-> }
-> void consumer(){
-> do{
-> P(full);
-> P(mutex);
-> // 消费者进行消费
-> V(mutex);
-> V(empty);
-> } while(1);
-> }
-> ```
+// 伪代码描述
+// 定义信号量 full记录缓冲区物品数量 empty代表缓冲区空位数量 mutex为互斥量
+semaphore full = 0, empty = n, mutex = 1;
+// 生产者进程
+void producer(){
+ do{
+ P(empty);
+ P(mutex);
+ // 生产者进行生产
+ V(mutex);
+ V(full);
+ } while(1);
+void consumer(){
+ do{
+ P(full);
+ P(mutex);
+ // 消费者进行消费
+ V(mutex);
+ V(empty);
+ } while(1);
+> 问题描述:有五位哲学家围绕着餐桌坐,每一位哲学家要么思考,要么吃饭。为了吃饭,哲学家必须拿起两双筷子(分别放于左右两端)不幸的是,筷子的数量和哲学家相等,所以每只筷子必须由两位哲学家共享。
+#define N 5 // number of philosopher
+#define LEFT (i + N - 1)%N // number of i's left neighbors
+#define RIGHT (i + 1)%N // number of i's right neighbors
+#define THINKING 0
+#define HUNGRY 1
+#define EATING 2
+typedef int semaphore;
+int state[N]; // array to keep track of everyone's state
+semaphore mutex = 1; // mutual exclusion of critical region
+semaphore s[N];
+void philosopher(int i) {
+ while (TRUE) {
+ think();
+ take_forks(i);
+ eat();
+ put_forks(i);
+ }
+void take_forks(int i) {
+ down(&mutex); // enter critical region
+ state[i] = HUNGRY; // record that i is hungry
+ test_forks(i); // try to acquire two forks
+ up(&mutex); // exit critical region
+ down(&s[i]); // block if forks are not acquired
+void put_forks(int i) {
+ down(&mutex); // enter critical region
+ state[i] = THINKING; // record that has finished eating
+ test_forks(LEFT); // see if left neighbor can now eat
+ test_forks(RIGHT); // see if right neighbor can now eat
+ up(&mutex); // exit critical region
+void test_forks(int i) {
+ if (state[i] == HUNGRY && state[LEFT] != EATING && state[RIGHT] != EATING) {
+ state[i] = EATING;
+ up(&s[i]);
+ }