Copyright 2017-2018 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. All rights reserved.
The CSDL to JSON Converter is a python3 tool which processes Redfish CSDL files and converts them to the Redfish JSON Schema format.
Ensure that the machine running the tool has a python 3 install.
Example: python3 --input <CSDL-Dir> --output <JSON-Dir> --config <Config-File>
The tool will process all files found in the folder specified by the input argument. It will convert the contents of the files to create JSON Schema files and save them to the folder specified by the output argument; the Operation section describes this process in more detail. There are some control parameters that are read in from the JSON file specified by the config argument; the Config File section describes the contents of the file.
usage: [-h] --input INPUT --output OUTPUT [--config CONFIG]
[--overwrite OVERWRITE]
A tool used to convert Redfish CSDL files to Redfish JSON Schema files
required arguments:
--input INPUT, -I INPUT
The folder containing the CSDL files to convert
--output OUTPUT, -O OUTPUT
The folder to write the converted JSON files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -C CONFIG
The configuration file containing definitions for
various links and user strings
Overwrite the versioned files in the output directory
if they already exist (default is True)
The config file can contain up to five parameters; parameters not defined will have a default value in the tool:
- Copyright: The copyright string to include in the JSON Schema files
- Location: A pointer to the web folder where the resulting JSON Schema files will be published
- DoNotWrite: A list of the output files to filter out when writing the JSON files
Sample File and Default Values:
"Copyright": "Copyright 2014-2017 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). For the full DMTF copyright policy, see",
"Location": "",
"DoNotWrite": []
The tool makes several assumptions about the format of the Redfish CSDL files:
- Each file that defines a resource follows the Redfish model for inheritance by copy; other than the base Resource definition, each resource definition is contained in one file
- Any referenced external namespaces have proper Include statements found at the top of the CSL file
- All annotations have their expected facets filled; for example, the OData.Description annotation must use the String= facet
- All namespaces follow the Redfish defined format where a namespace is either unversioned, or is in the form name.vX_Y_Z
- If a reference is made to another CSDL file, its JSON Schema file will be in the same folder
Before any translation is done, the tool will attempt to locate the Resource_v1.xml schema. This is to cache properties for base definitions that all resources use. The tool will first check to see if the file exists in the input directory; if it doesn't exist there, it will access the remote location for the file.
Once the Resource_v1.xml definitions are cached, the tool loops on all files ending in ".xml" in the input directory. For every namespace found in the file, it will generate a corresponding ".json" file in the following manner:
- For EntityType and ComplexType definitions...
- ... that are in an unversioned namespace and are marked as abstract have a definition that contains an "anyOf" statement in the unversioned JSON Schema that points to all versioned definitions
- ... that are in an unversioned namespace and are not marked as abstract have their definition translated only to the unversioned JSON Schema file
- ... that are in a versioned namespace have their definitions translated to that version of the JSON Schema file, and newer JSON Schema files
- Action definitions...
- ... that are in an unversioned namespace are translated to all versioned JSON Schema files
- ... that are in a versioned namespace have their definitions translated to that version of the JSON Schema file, and newer JSON Schema files
- EnumType and TypeDefinition definitions...
- ... that are in an unversioned namespace are translated to the unversioned JSON Schema file
- ... that are in a versioned namespace have their definitions translated to that version of the JSON Schema file, and newer JSON Schema files