Comes with USB TYPE A dongle:
Presents itself as VID=0x045E PID=0x02EA (Xbox One S Controller).
Then after a moment reconnects as HID device with VID=0x0C12 PID=0x0F11 ("ZEROPLUS Controller") - see Wireshark dump. HID report descriptor is malformed (seems cropped).
Seen in Windows 10 with Hardware ID: USB\VID_0C12&PID_0F11&REV_0100
>pnputil /enum-interfaces /class {A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}
Interface Path: \\?\USB#VID_0C12&PID_0F11#5&2108ad5d&0&8#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Interface Description: Unknown
Interface Class GUID: {a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Device Instance ID: USB\VID_0C12&PID_0F11\5&2108ad5d&0&8
Interface Status: Disabled
>pnputil /enum-devices /instanceid "USB\VID_0C12&PID_0F11\5&2108ad5d&0&8" /ids
Microsoft PnP Utility
Instance ID: USB\VID_0C12&PID_0F11\5&2108ad5d&0&8
Device Description: USB Input Device
Class Name: HIDClass
Class GUID: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Manufacturer Name: (Standard system devices)
Status: Disconnected
Driver Name: input.inf
Hardware IDs: USB\VID_0C12&PID_0F11&REV_0100
Compatible IDs: USB\Class_03&SubClass_00&Prot_00
When connecting dongle to Xbox One you can see error 0x82d60002
(Unauthorized acessory error). But works so far:
Detected and working as unknown PS4 controller when dongle is connected to PS5. Did not test it with PS4.
Detected as third-party PS4 controller by SDL library (HIDAPI_DriverPS4 backend). Vibration is working. Gyroscope/accelerometer is not working.